
I guess Boeing-Lockheed is doing something right, which is keeping their bomber in the shroud of secrecy. More or less. Probably the latter.

Well, a replacement is coming. But is it secret/unacknowledged? Not so much. And I wouldn't call it a full-blown replacement.

To anything capable of Mach 3 (Blackbird, Valkyrie, tiny scramjet missiles, ICBMs), everything on this planet is next door.

DoD is way ahead of you, m8.

You sure you're not talking about the Lightning II? Because lately, all the problems I keep hearing about the F-22 was a crap landing and the OBOGS (which I believe has been fixed, fortunately).

To be fair, it was the economy that said no.

Yes, but was the Tomcat good? Yes, yes it was.

too heavy to be any good.

Pretty sure the trumpets are worth more than that.


The most important part is that we are all richer at heart. :)

Just means that it is very Jalop.

Yes sir, right away!

Chris, we really need more lists like this. Top 20 is sooo much better than Top 10. ;)

Daw, so adorable! :')

Whelp...I see the shrooms have kicked in.

...I don't know what to say to this. >.>

And this is why our current import regulations are shit.

Two shots of an US Navy F-15 Tomcat