
Games aren’t books or movies, Heather. By design, they’re not going to be playable by everybody. That’s too bad, but that’s the nature of the medium.

Making fun of someone else’s education while capitalizing words that shouldn’t be and failing to check for errors or use appropriate punctuation. How rich.

When your job is to get beat up repeatedly AND people expect you to quote, I don’t know, Henry David Thoreau...

This piece I wrote on one of the earlier boss fights might be helpful. I admire the games focus on positioning and I think the Ki Pulse and stance alterations add a rhythm to the combat that Souls games simply do not have.

Ancona, who is known for claiming that the Ku Klux Klan is a Christian organization, not a racist one—as if the two are always mutually exclusive

Prompto’s English voice actor was bad? That’s news to me...

“Look at that loser standing there with a bat on his shoulder. What a disaster. Dangerous, horrible looking person. And that moron with the mask and protective gear on. What the hell is he on about? Looks menacing. Probably celebrating a rape. Now he’s running toward that hero standing on the pitcher’s mound! Look

Wow, if this particular player was phoning me at 3am to tell me how great his rattata was, I totally wouldn’t mind.

How can you be allergic to tacos? Thats ridiculous. Nobody can be allergic to tacos.

I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.

Shouldn’t you be out campaigning for Jill Stein, Mr. Leftier-than-thou?

Only a fool fucks with Phelps when he’s in compete mode.

And fuck all this nonsense about him partying when he’s not swimming. That man has spent more time honing himself into the perfect swimmer than any of us have spent doing anything (including jerking off). He ought to have a life permit to party the fuck down

I feel like the it’s the opposite IMO, rather than just releasing a set amount of new pokemon each Gen this feels like they are making an effort in trying to keep the original pokemon fresh and exciting

Is it wrong that I like Legendary’s design better? I just think it feels much better built. For example, both it and the resurgence Godzilla have bigger legs (which goes with the square cube law) but the Legendary one looks less puffy. I could go into more detail, but I digress.

Yeah, how dare they have fun doing something you dont like.

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

i...have feelings. while i wish rape and sexual assault on NO ONE, do i kind of hope that this story is true so that drumpf falls from grace?

Most likely by tapdancing around the issue entirely. From a narrative standpoint, you establish that the ship was launched before the conflict of ME3 was decided, probably as some sort of insurance policy in case the organics lost. Then you establish that because of the vast distances involved, communication is

I’m not saying it wasn’t TAS, but there’s braking and turning involved in that vid.

Im 99% sure this was “heavily influenced” by a Cracked article. ESPECIALLY Sid...