He's made of rubber! (How did that happen?)
He's made of rubber! (How did that happen?)
It is almost impossible not being sarcastic when talking about veganism.
I didn't expect to play "spot the vegan" on somewhere other than that tumble thing
Certainly not the first time I've been proven wrong though
"I know you have bugs..."
At first I though sounds like solving puzzles in Mass Effect or something just by talking to people the right way...
If I told you I find these pics repulsive, would you say I'm homophobic?
"Should of"
Happiness is welcome! Carry on.
Dangit, I was hoping for Mario Party 1-8 style movement instead of the Mario Party 9 style.
Well if she's hungry, the third world can kiss off. If you're hungry and you don't want to eat to your fill because you're afraid of coming off as an asshole(for w/e the fuck stupid reason), that's basically keeping up appearances in place of getting fed your portion. That's a no no in any part of the world and not…
That testing video is....kinda nsfw
Zelda can't be the princess, he's a guy.
If you're of the "playing to win" mentality, than anything that the game itself doesn't stop you from doing is another opportunity to exploit.
Being an artist does do that...it can be a curse at times seeing the smallest details throwing something off. She definitely has some similarities, I think the brow and face shape are throwing it off for me.
Noted, I didn't elaborate on what they could do to make a console game 'better' than the hand held version. I believe that even a straight copy of the next Pokemon game from the handhelds to the Wii would be enough to draw sales and new gamers to the Wii.