
Games are a unique medium of entertainment, they’re incredibly varied and some are simply not capable of being enjoyed by all persons across all forms of existence. That’s just how it be. There are countless games out there that can be enjoyed by a wider audience than others. I don’t get why we need to start demanding

I think the beauty of Sekiro is they made it so that Souls veterans would have just as hard a time playing through. I didn’t think I would experience that kind of frustration followed by triumph that I felt the first time I played Bloodborne (my first Soulslike). The thing about Sekiro though is once the game style

More like a person with legs telling a person without legs that they should not take the stairs.

Not every game needs to be played by every person. Just like how not every painting needs to be enjoyed by every person. You wouldn’t say “these Picasso paintings should be more realistic”. Same respect should be had for FromSoftware games. They don’t need to have an “easy” mode or a journalist mode. Let them be

It just dawned on me that the hate this site seems to have for half black/mixed black famous people is akin to the hate and fear white supremacists have toward blacks. Afraid the blacks will come in and start diluting their pure whiteness. Now I’m seeing people mad at mixed black people for not being black enough.

Honestly it just sounds like Price has a major chip on her shoulder. Just looking for an excuse to fight. Saying something like “I’m loud about these issues” sounds as if she’s always looking for an excuse to bring up her politics even in times where it wouldn’t really make sense to observers. You can say it’s a

Are we going to start reading politics into every game play mechanic from this day forward? You shoot an enemy and their body fades into particles so we have to say “the inherent political value in this particle effect is thus.” I don’t get why people have to turn every little thing into a political battlefield.

I honestly think this is the right approach. It allows them to be a neutral space without taking any sides, like the rest of the internet. It’ll potentially be great for adult games and adult game developers (let the porn games begin) but, like most things in life, we have to take the good with the bad. There will be

This is the kind of attitude that gets innocent people into trouble. They think “I’m innocent, I don’t need a lawyer” or “I’ve got nothing to hide, do as you will, officer.” You might end up being a convenient means to an end. The last person hauled in for some quota or the most convenient suspect who fit a

You can just as easily let the officer into your house and he feels threatened and shoots you. Or you let him into your home, he decides that he has found evidence of some other crime and you get hauled off. So many things can go wrong when you just roll over and let the police have their way with you. They’re civil

I remember reading a book in Ruby and Sapphire that talked about eating Pokemon. There was a weird bit about returning the bones to the sea and being thankful and stuff. I’d expect that the director wouldn’t want to say anything definitive but if you ask a lore guy they’d tell you straight up.

What are they supposed to do? You have to look at it from their perspective. You can’t just not do your job because there will always be that small chance that the one time you let a person off easy is the time you got played and they go off to commit a crime. That’s why we have protocols. The blame is completely on

I had one friend tell me he “isn’t going to bother” with black girls anymore because of one bad experience. He was with this girl for a few weeks and they got into an argument over something and she said something to the effect of “you’re probably just one of those black men who prefers white women anyway”. He said he

Right now black people are desperate for a hero. You have Kanye the idiot taking up the spotlight and bringing all kinds of negative attention/press, so the natural thing to do is to latch onto what the people see as the antidote. Donald Glover just happened to be at the right place at the right time. It’s a natural

I’ll never understand this need to “justify” a black dude not dating a black woman. The thinking just seems so backward and tribal to me. As if women exist only as political tools and as if men should only date within their own race. It’s some petty stuff and I usually don’t bother to get into arguments with people

I do think Gorman overreacted a bit here, saying her life was in danger and being terrified. But I also think it’s somewhat fair to believe that if you’re not used to flying. I haven’t flown anywhere yet and I think if my first trip on a plane involved an intoxicated flight attendant I’d be pretty concerned. I don’t

On the one hand I don’t blame cops for over preparing when going into rallies like this. On the other hand, these cops seem pretty stupid and the police force in this country is just generally not well-trained. Certainly not trained enough to deal with this kind of situation. They’re like children playing dress-up.

You don’t simply base the punishment for a crime on the outcome. That’s ridiculous. If somebody cuts the strings on a persons parachute but the person survives a jump because the offender didn’t know about the back-up parachute, it’s still attempted murder. In this case they also seem to be taking into account this

“Nigga” is not a slur and including it in a list of other slurs is just insulting.

Honestly I think it’s a mistake to try and rope this character into anything political and stamping a “trans” label on them. Rin is simply a trap. The whole trap fetish niche revolves around feminine guys and some people into that genre are totally into the idea of traps tricking unsuspecting people. It’s a trope