So many flags and symbols for all the sexualities or queer identities. I wonder if we'll get to the point where people come out as hetero. "Hey ya'll, I'm vanilla." *Holds up flag of white scoop of icecream on a waffle cone*.
So many flags and symbols for all the sexualities or queer identities. I wonder if we'll get to the point where people come out as hetero. "Hey ya'll, I'm vanilla." *Holds up flag of white scoop of icecream on a waffle cone*.
This whole thing is just dumb and kind of speaks volumes about the gaming community and game journalists trying way too hard. Once upon a time nobody really gave a fuck about a character in a game with big boobs or metal bikini armor. Now we've got all these camps popping up with people shouting for change and…
Who? If you're talking about Sky Williams, where in the world did he blame harassed gamers? Were you listening to anything he tried to say? Did you read the article?
This is exactly why "feminism" is so ridiculous these days. It's impossible to nail down what the message is. You've got women who believe showing off their bodies is empowering (Katy Perry). Then you've got women who believe that attitude is misguided and sad and the fault of men. You've got people who believe that…
I'm not sure why it is, but my baby (year and a half) doesn't eat meat if my wife gives it to her. She'll push it away or turn her head. However, a few months back we realized she was always curious about anything I was eating. I offered her a small piece of chicken and she ate it and wanted more. So when we feel like…
Uh oh, they might be opening a can of worms trying to placate feminazis. There's really no pleasing anyone these days. Hopefully Blizzard sticks with making the game they want to make and doesn't get too hung up trying to "include everyone" or something. They'll never please everyone.
Honestly I'd prefer a Dragon's Dogma 2 over this game. This was the one where all the characters were male and it had that Assassin's Creed-esque modern day twist right? Free to play? Yea honestly those parts sounded a bit terrible even if the gameplay itself was mechanically sound. It'd be nice if they scrapped the…
Cool for Dota 2 players. I don't know how the cosmetic scene is over on that side of the pond as I haven't bothered to stick with Dota 2 yet. Though I will say in League's case the ultimate skins have so far been a yearly thing. Either way though, they're take it or leave it transactions. Not buying will have no…
The only face that really stuck out to me was the main character they had. But you can change the look so I'm not too concerned with that. Other characters look a bit odd or different but that's the games style, I'll get used to it. They might even grow on me. I thought the characters in Xenoblade (Wii) looked kinda…
Older parents probably wont care. Some older parents can be pretty dickish about stuff they don't understand or don't care about. If you really want a working relationship with your kid, try and help understand them and what they like to do. Growing up I found respect between me and my parents went a long way. It's…
Glad to hear it. That game looked like crap tbh. They can better spend their time on less gimmicky titles now.
One thing I really liked about Left 4 Dead was making my way through the different levels, gathering supplies and setting up for the various battles. I was instantly turned off from Evolve when I heard it was 4 people vs a boss the entire time. From what I'm gathering here though it sounds like there might actually be…
Not sure why they wouldn't do CGI instead. But I dunno. On the one hand we've got stuff like the Mario movie and other live-action takes on game stuff looming over us. On the other hand, we've reached a point in time where directors and producers are capable of making great things out of unconventional sources. If…
Ultimate skins are supposed to have an exclusive feel to them. They have that premium price tag on them and come with other showoffy stuff. There's a lot of work put into them as you can probably tell with all the hype around this one and Riot has only put one out once every year over the past 3 years. (Only 3…
What is there to complain about? I mean really think about it. The game can be played for free and there is no kind of pay to win aspect whatsoever. You can get the entire experience up front without dropping a dime and then there are all these cosmetic things you can get for your characters if you so choose. They…
Minor graphical update. That alone kinda nullifies whatever else you have to say on the subject moving forward.
I'm pretty certain after all the teases we'll be seeing Mika pretty soon. And Karin for that matter. Capcom is listening to the community for the roster which is a good thing. We can only go so far with graphics though so what I'm really looking forward to is whatever new mechanics they're going to bring. Each…
Shady deals. Lmao
Kotaku desperately needs a fighting game columnist or something. The lack of insight to the FGC has become a meme/joke already. It's like when people who don't know anything about videogames try to write articles about videogames. I'd prefer it coverage stopped completely or they hired a writer to cover all things…
Yea, death is totally preferable to rape always.