
Length of story DLC never really bothered me. Actual story DLC is rare enough for most good games already. It sounds like they're taking the right approach to things, though if they want to be actually impressive instead of just talking philosophy then let's see some epilogue post game DLC that means something.

If you like JAV at all you'll probably come across it on your travels eventually.

I think you're a little too emotionally invested in your internet arguments there buddy boy. Take a chill pill or two. You'd be a real easy mark if I were a troll lol.

Yea I totally understand those who recoil at the thought but I prefer to look at things honestly. I'm hoping in the (maybe far) future people will be more understanding of things like this.

Uh no. Condoms break, birth control is not 100% effective and some people just lack self control. In times like this you get the "accident". The child that is born into a relationship fragile enough to be shaken by their arrival. An environment that is not healthy for the child to grow up in and not healthy for the

I'd just like to see us take the taboo off of abortion. I feel like a lot of these bad parents and people with negative experiences with children wind up forced into the situation because of social pressure.

I feel like too many people nowadays like to overblow the difficulties of new babies. My daughter will be 7 months later this month. We planned out having this baby in the first place, we've got familial support behind us as well and we educated ourselves beforehand. For the most part, things haven't changed

Lesson number 2 would be don't be married longer than 5 years, if we're going by that logic.

After my last post it actually occurred to me (after hitting up Deviantart) that some of my own Sonic fan art as well as artwork by other artists I know or follow was going in a similar direction to this redesign. A slightly longer limbed, shorter (read oldschool) quills and more expressive face. That could explain my

And yet the character still has more than just one good thing going for it.

The game isn't even out yet so I see no reason to think it wont be good for the series.

I think it was the next logical step in his evolution. He's been getting a little taller and more streamlined as the years have gone by. I used to read the comics back in the day (and reread all of them up to a few years ago) and I always preferred the longer limbed Sonic because he just seemed more grown up and fit

In your opinion maybe, but there have been quite a few good Sonic games since the Sonic Adventures. You should try the GBA titles, they're very solid 2D Sonic games. Classic Sonic's stages in Generations were also pretty fun. I'm thinking you're probably going into Sonic games with shit tinted lenses. You want them to

"slight alterations to his proportions or changed things like eye color". What do you call what they're doing here? Slight alterations to proportions and changing arm color no? Everything shown can be looked at as slight alterations to proportions for all of these characters. It's easy to glaze over how much Sonic

How old are you? Sonic has been redesigned before. Sometimes drastically so. Also there have been good Sonic games released recently. I'm glad Sega has the sense to ignore loudmouth "fans" on the internet and keep moving forward.

Sonic never had green eyes either until Sonic Adventure came around. Sonic Spinball was my first ever video game with the Genesis being my first console. I've loved the blue blur for almost 20 years now and I'm quite alright with this redesign. It's refreshing. He hasn't seen a facelift of any kind since Sonic

There is no dead carcass to be dragged around. Sonic has been doing fine lately. Generations was actually quite good, you should give it an actual try. Colors was also good. I haven't gotten around to starting Lost World just yet though.

I was concerned at first, and I still think Knuckles looks a little weird around the neck, but everything else looks and sounds good. The idea that we've got Naughty Dog guys heading the console version of the game is pretty exciting. Sega's been doing relatively well with Sonic games lately and this one almost feels

This whole thing is just disgusting. Seeing a man falling so far from his own opinion because of political pressure to the point where it's clear he's reevaluating his whole outlook on life. All of the people who love to load way too much meaning into things that simply have no meaning...Better include a token

They say lazy, like most human beings. Also that wasn't their big hangup, it was cost.