
You can't blame Kotaku or the people who run it for being honest. Their reasons for saying all the next gen consoles aren't worth picking up yet are pretty valid. There isn't enough content for everybody out there to go drop the cash on a Wii U right now and that's assuming that most of the people already own consoles

The only problem with your statement is you say "fact" that it will fail rather than you believe it will. The WiiU's biggest problem was idiotic marketing. The worst thing they did was call it "Wii U" when they should have called it something to let people know it was entirely different rather than just a controller.

Nah man I'm not cryin, someone was just cutting onions in this dusty room and I got sand in my eye.

Nice save. Lol

That's not very hot at all for any computer (which consoles basically are). Don't let irrational fear prevent you from enjoying your console. In fact you should try and stress it as hard as you can while it's still under warranty. If anything happens spread the word and have it replaced but I don't expect there to be

That's pretty stupid thinking right there. The US is so fucked up nowadays that we've got people out there thinking like you. As if it doesn't matter what is normal for a couple. So let's say two male lovers have a tradition of the first one who wakes up wakes up the other with some oral. It's a thing that they've

Your problem is you're assuming that the girl is you or someone you know or something. For all you know this couple could be some "Mydirtyhobby" or "Clips4sale" couple who fuck on camera all the time and sell it. Sure it's highly likely the guy is just fucked up but trying to put a spin on it in either direction is

I'd have loved a P3 remake on 3DS or Vita. I have no idea where I put my PSP. I think I gave it to a friend but I can't remember lol.

Lol fair enough. I learned to take it in stride after I got my PSP and there were like 8 dead pixels. Sony later said they'd be replacing units with dead pixels so I was like "okay fine".

The main reason the Wii was hard to find was because of poor manufacturing practices. Same for the PS3 back when it launched. They were better able to keep up with demand this time around. When a company is unable to keep up with high demand they will do better the next time around because every person who spent extra

Yep. And I'm sorry to hear that lol. I for one look forward to playing it, I loved Xenoblade to death and I'm also a fan of games like Monster Hunter with friends. Hopping online to do missions and stuff with people is something the WiiU doesn't have enough games doing. I can understand the disappointment in the game

Yea but my point is basically that you can call something sub par for more reasons than the port has bugs, glitches or issues. There could be other inequalities.

I gave more examples than just the FPS and resolution (unless that was another post). It was apparent to these devs, both working with the same amount of time on either platform, found it not only easier to optimize things for the PS4 but also come to the conclusion (along with other devs) that the PS4 just has more

Except that's not what I'm saying. I never said "this means the console can do this and the other can't"

Yea but again it's all about sample sizes. The rate is very small. Their image will hardly be affected. It's like when Apple shipped whichever iPhone it was where your signal would be cut if you held it like a normal phone. It was arguably a bigger deal than some console lemons. Yet despite the media frenzy it blew

This here is about how the devs made the game have it's top down look in the 3d world. I'd call that info. It's short and I can read this in less than a minute. There's a difference between them "getting" you and actual advertising. (which this isn't really).

Last Week:

Actually that is straight out of the comments in the other article. Blame your peers.

It simply isn't feasible for any tech giant to test every system. They do sample sizes and failures coming in at under 1% are just fine by any means. Simply keep calm and carry your console back to the store and get a replacement. Not a big deal at all. It's the same for just about anything made on an assembly line.

More like "any device launch". Seriously, the small amount of people affected by both PS4 and this new issue aren't enough to get worked up over in my opinion. It becomes a problem when these issues start popping up after warranty and people can't just go have them replaced at the store.