I played through the first amnesia with a couple friends. We took turns being little bitches together. This one sounds like it'll be pretty great.
I played through the first amnesia with a couple friends. We took turns being little bitches together. This one sounds like it'll be pretty great.
I call bullshit...on this article. Didn't even realize I stepped into Jezebel until I got to the "if that sounds like a cop-out it probably is" line. Lolwut?
Well it's GTA. They can afford the "risk" it'll still print the fat stacks regardless of how much they spend. I hope this just means that the game will be super slick and polished and shinin'. I doubt it, but I can still hope dammit.
Yea...no none of your logic is very sound here bud. Not one point rings true.
I much prefer her posts over Brian Ashcrafts old nonsense.
More like white friendly booty poppin. Everyone else is in on it, but Miley Cyrus kinda made it cool for the white chicks.
Saw this commercial the other day, thought it was pretty good. Didn't make me want to go out and buy some Extra but good on them for making a good ad.
Yea I JUST got access to the game again today after a week of not being able to play. I didn't even receive my code in my email. I was just stuck running around in circles with their customer service. "We'll reply in 48 hours" and 48 hours later "we cancelled your ticket because you probably got your answer, if not…
Reading skills, work on yours.
Damn that Japanese card backside takes me back. I remember when Gold and Silver were on the way and the home shopping channel (or one of those channels) were selling that NIP Pokemon Neo card set with each of the starter lines. I remember my mom buying into the hype and buying two of them for 20$ each hoping they'd be…
I love MMOs and can understand the risk of getting sucked in. I was lucky though, my wife moved in (then girlfriend) with me when I was 18 or 19 and she liked playing MMOs as well but also helped keep me from getting too sucked in just by being there so I never had to worry about looking around one day and realizing…
Yea sexy is a better word. Metal Gear has always brought the sexy. Raiden is a sexy ass dude. Snake had that sexy ass manvoice, in Japan you can't get any sexier than a mech.
The whole making new stuff thing is always brought up but it seems nobody actually sees new stuff when it hits. Like you sort of glaze over the fact that there are statistically just as many original things coming out today as there were back in the day.
Sam Jackson is still a cool mother fucker. I say more power to him, why not be in everything? The dude is a black american icon. And you don't need to take him seriously, half the time he brings his own brand of funny to his roles. Have you seen Django?
Thinking you can learn 90% of a movies content from a trailer sounds just a little bit nutty. I mean, there are trailers out there that seem like they go out of their way to reveal every plot turn in a film, but most of the time they don't. Go watch a trailer for the first Robocop and tell me that it reveals all this…
I heard about the somewhat cliffhanger and was afraid of finishing the game. Now I'm cautiously optimistic...I can play through it again and beat it.
You can't really sue for similarities alone even if they're quite close. Look at all the endless runners out there. Gameplay wise things are also going to be just different enough to not be a complete clone. And this is the guy who created Mega Man in the first place. I'm pretty sure Capcom knows they have no case and…
The fact that people want to insist it was a rape joke is pretty pathetic in and of itself. I kind of feel bad for Penny Arcade having to put up with all the bullshit journalism spinning going on.
I thought the same thing but I never expected it to end up as news. The Miqo'te females have a pretty pathetic backside especially when you compare them to the other non midget races. Hell even the males of the other races have asses that look majestic by comparison. My female character is still a Miqo'te though, for…
I must be really tired right now (pulled an all nighter) but I'm sitting here giggling to myself at how absurd the name of this game is. It's like they really just sit over there at SE Japan and pick english words and phrases out of a hat and throw them up and pluck them from the air for extra randomness.