
Sex analogy is a bit silly and doesn't really fit. That would be the equivalent of starting up a game and you're instantly bombarded with things that you hate like terrible voice acting, laggy graphics, bad music, and horrible cliches.

I really liked the battle system in this game. It was really cool and looked very flashy once you got used to things. The type of battle system my friends would like to watch as I played. I wouldn't even call it needlessly convoluted either though I wont deny it's a bit complicated and probably that way as some sort

You crack me up. Seriously, that sounds like a personal problem kiddo. I'm married with my first kid on the way and have plenty of other things to occupy my time outside of common responsibilities such as catching up on shows, drawing, reading novels and manga among other things.

I don't know really, at the very least I'm glad it appears to be on a 2D plain, and while MK9 did restore a bit of my faith something just doesn't sit well with me. Time will tell though, I'll try and keep an open mind.

Hell, serial killers often times have no desire for sex, I don't see them being identified as asexual. I think people nowadays are just trying way too hard to be some kind of unique and different. Not saying this shit isn't legit, just that I'm sure there are a fuck ton of college kids hopping on the bandwagon just to

Yea, and my point is a lot of people seem to be freezing up over there, and I think that was dude's original point.

Agreed it wasn't excruciating nor was it all that funny. I got a few laughs but not at the horrible star himself. Though I have to say it was a nice way of showing off all the Wii features without having to spell it all out in some sort of video guide or press release.

I think it's going to feel great. I'm used to the parallel thumbstick idea since the PS controllers have been rocking it for a while albeit in opposite locations. This looks nice and balanced and sure to make those ocd gamers quite happy lol.

Yea it helps to read articles. Regardless of that guy though, there will be plenty of games that utilize the features in various ways. It's a great system for people to experiment with and try out unique ways to play and I certainly don't mind Nintendo leading the way and other studios following.

Zombie video guy was stupid, but I got some laughs and the features shown were pretty awesome.

Lol how this article really reads : waaah, I am not very bright and have a short attention span. If you buy a game then decide to toss it out after the first 30 minutes, you have a problem. Not sure what the problem is though, whether it be no attention span, childish expectations/unrealisitic views, lack of gaming

It disappoints me to no end that the Mortal Kombat team is handling this game. Not exactly what I had in mind for a DC fighting game.

Addressed at the comment section: "Rape" is often used in videogame/competitive settings to push the message that the other player just had something done to them they did not want. Often times people aren't associating it with a gender, and if they are, more often than not it's more prison style rape than anything

Lol people are calling themselves asexual now? Is that what's poppin in the streets? In my day asexual simply meant a creature did not need another creature to reproduce. Now people are using it as an orientation for abstinence and shit.

What's with these "looks so good" articles with characters that look ugly but are just well made? Balrog looks like a well rendered well done character, but then calling it "Balrog" just makes it crappy because it looks nothing like Balrog. Or I guess it would be better to say it doesn't fit in with any sort of Street

Chonicle was the fuck. I would sit around with friends and we'd often have the discussion "if you made a super hero movie how would it be". Chronicle hit all the right chords, almost every cool little idea I wanted to see actually occurred and that tells me that the directors got some taste. If he's really going to do

Well done but I think it doesn't fit the quarians, let alone Tali. Wouldn't call it "better" just another fan interpretation. But again, very well done.

That's all cute and dandy a scenario but come now, if there is enough space for a man to reach your crotch and fondle you for half an hour there's enough space for you to reach your own damn hand down there and at least try to break those fingers. You don't need to identify the person, your target is this hand all up

Well Abrams is a great director, love the guys work and hearing stuff like this just makes me like him even more. He's a cool dude who's got himself into a position to do what he likes and that's good. If only they had gotten him to direct the Uncharted movie...maybe there's still time.

I think this article is forgetting the fact that tentacle rape is a thing in Japan. Has been since before this guy tried to get his game funded. It's almost as if the internet thinks he came up with the whole concept and is taking out their dislike on him. I kinda hope he finds a way to get it funded out of spite. I'm