
@ddhboy: "Android still has more functionality than the iPhone does" — thats opinionated. iOS has apps. Show me apps like the iWork apps and iMovie on Android. In that sense, I think iPhone is superior.


@MaxPoint: Don't need it? SMS for text and FaceTime for video and the Phone for audio...

Could it be because VZ is getting it soon so they want to lock people down???

Could it be because VZ is getting it soon so they want to lock people down???

@archercc: Does the evo have an HDMI port?

@Tyler Sebastian: Or eat more fast food, but another one is being built in my town...

@Rob Oakes: You can't please everyone dude. "If you don't love it, then don't get it" makes perfect sense. Yes it has room to improve, everything does, but for many people (obviously), this is a what they want.

@Tyler Sebastian: Haha. I'm more worried about the state of the worlds eyes after staring at screens in general. Seriously, between School, Work, and Home, I'm constantly staring at screens. I know I'm not alone. Computers, Phones, and TV's. :X

Poladroid is a great tool.

@Tyler Sebastian: You thought watching movies and word processing niches were filled by tiny/eink screens? Wait till apps are released that take full advantage of this real estate.

@Aurailious: You can't. There's always room for improvement. And always someone griping.

@sea_alex: Hey look another tech story on a tech blog... For a second I thought I was on a tech blog.

@Mark 2000: Thanks for repeating what EVERYONE, and their mothers, have been saying since the iPad was revealed. I almost forgot people had these feelings.

@Tyler Sebastian: It's obviously not for you then. I'm not a snobby iPad folk either. I'm a logical folk. If you don't like it don't get it. Simple. It's impossible to please and fit the needs of everyone.

Nerds :P