Yup, that is a super short sentence, although the more shocking thing to me was that carrying out abuse only garners you a maximum of 15…
Yup, that is a super short sentence, although the more shocking thing to me was that carrying out abuse only garners you a maximum of 15…
400,000 users? Jesus wept.
I don’t listen to her, either, but it doesn’t bother me for other people to like her music. It’s funny when people feel the need to make sure everyone knows they don’t like something. It’s like, ok, who cares? It’s even more funny when it’s not enough for someone to say that they don’t like something - they need to…
I dare you to listen to Billie sing acapella and then Rihanna without autotune and tell us who you think is better. Perfectly fine not to like her music, but Billie is wildly talented.
I used to be in commercial construction before I started a business as a home inspector.
I have to agree, no politics at work is a good idea.
The “PITA” (fascinating acronym) of moving a physical library is a price I’m willing to pay. Ebooks may be wonderful for a lot of reasons but “physical durability”, “access outside of Internet-covered areas” and “no batteries required” are not among them.
You’ll understand when you’re older, and NO, I don’t mean that in a shitty patronizing way. I reread because I sometimes don’t remember whodunit. Also, comfort reading during a pandemic is very... comforting. Barbara Michaels and Armistead Maupin got me through cancer. I’ve reread both at least twice.
There is no denying that Elgort is conventionally attractive
Also the real Warrens were complete bullshit artists. Amityville was basically a complete fabrication, and their involvement with the Enfield poltergeist case was like a single day where they didn’t actually add any evidence. That said, I thought the movies were ok (first was good, second was...serviceable for a campy…
Thanks I remembered to check the listing on YT after I posted, James is great, I had no idea that was him.
Just like in English!
It’s James Adomian, also known for an amazing Jesse Ventura impression (which it seems like he honed most of the voice for Lindell from) and just being an all-around all-star on Comedy Bang Bang and other podcasts.
According to the video’s description he’s James Adomian.
No 27" version? I’m looking to upgrade my 27" version from 2017, but I guess I either have to downsize or look at something else with a bigger external monitor?
They look great! But 24 inch is far too small. Here’s hoping the 27 inch model will see a 32 inch refresh.
I would greatly disagree with this assessment. Seasons 1 of The Office and Parks and Rec were both far different and inferior to subsequent seasons, and P&R didn’t really find itself until the total retooling in S3. Brooklyn Nine-Nine started off more fully-formed but like most comedies took a season or so to find its…
You mean Tudyk? Or do you know something I don’t about season 2? :)
Ya.. go after the phone policies... never mind the complete lack of fucking gun laws!
The problem is that if they allow the phones on the floor then they are tacitly allowing the owners to use them. If they get fired the Union will say FedEx allows employees to have phones so they can use them on the floor. Otherwise why would you need a phone on the floor, except to use it.