
Read the article before you ask such questions...it clearly states in the spring time.

How you can blame those that choose to get their media for free over paying exorbitant fees for crappy media. The companies that sell their products use the same outdated crappy model they have always done, they need to change their model to fit the needs of their consumers. Instead of bitching and moaning they need

folder did not exist on my machine

Score, thanks!

You guys should create a category for all these Mac tweaks so they are all together and easier to locate

Kinda looks like the right side of the root in the of the tree for Pittsburgh zoo is an elephant as well

It's a damn movie. Who cares what happens in it.

Or the South Park movie

Don't read this site then. I find it extremely amusing that a group could come in and just walk through the doors (figuratively and literally) and steal all this. Hopefully they will finally learn.

Didn't make it very far...

How many did you get? Says only 3 cubic feet I'd imagine you'd need more than a few

Then rewrite the laws to keep up with change that is happening. Taxi's services are outdated and don't work anymore as we can clearly see that Uber is gaining ground with competitive pricing and ease of use. This isn't their fault, yes they may use some off tactics to accomplish things but they are just like any other

So this should confirm N. Korean behind it no? No one else see's him as being a god and would go at such lengths to protect him, even a fictional character of him. What I don't get is that no one in N. Korea even thinks we have created the wheel or electricity so why does he care if we poke some fun at his crazy

You should link to this link on github instead of the one you currently do. It provides instructions (it's the readme file) and doesn't leave inexperienced people guessing as to what they need to download and do...

Again you haven't created the laser so you don't know the specs they are using. Just don't be such a pessimist.

So you aren't working with the company and know nothing about it at all and are just like the rest of us and have only read an article describing what they want to do with their laser tech. Technology advances at an incredible rate. Who are you, a mere mortal, to say that this won't work? Being a pessimistic douche

It won't work? Then why is it being tested? Oh right because this company just wanted an article written about them. Unless you work for the company stfu and don't be a troll.

You are describing OnDemand. A feature touted by Comcast, and actually the only thing that's nice about them. No need for a DVR just search for what you want to watch and binge away. Was nice when we had it but Netflix/Hulu offers all that at a much lower price.

Can't wait for a wider spread of Google Fiber. I'll be jumping one on that as soon as it's available. I don't even care if it costs more than what I pay now for Comcast, it's better than giving that evil company anymore of my money

Comcast gave me a tiny cable box with my free cable package (the one where you get HBO login credentials and thats why I have the box)...the damn thing doesn't even turn off. I just unplug it and voila no wasted energy