
It is the way I want to spin things because it's the way it is. People still use q-tips even though its well known you aren't supposed to clean your ears with them...so instead of a nice cotton swab you stick a braided metal rod into your ear, sounds like a good combo.

But violence against men is still ok? Makes sense in our quest for gender equality.

Yeah most dumbass Americans would just hurt themselves with that

Ugh learn english.

I don't see the point in buying a device to make rice when a pot works just as well and doesn't cost any more money but this OMFG amazing lol

Can you add prices? Not all items such as Stepper2 have them...its $1.00 btw

So this was all a publicity stunt then...

The title is still wrong lol..."The Worst Spots on an Airplane If You Want to Avoid Catching a Cold" should be "The Best Spots on an Airplane If You Want to Avoid Catching a Cold"

You can't even tell they're in there except for the color they add! Just try leaving some next time you make some yellow smashed taters, if he notices then tell him you must have missed some, if he doesn't then you win!!!

I leave about half the skin on them to add some color into the smashed (yes smashed) taters and so that theres a little more nutritional benefit since the skin has all the goodness

I don't give a shit about Doug McMillian (I can understand 25 million a year, that figure isn't bad for how much money Walmart makes in profit), I may have misspoke when I said CEOs, the Waltons are the problem and the lot of them make around 3bil a year. If you divided all that profit into 1.5 million employees, they

I wouldn't call it greed, it is definetly low class but not greedy. CEO's making millions upon millions of dollars a year just because they were born into it and let their employees live on food stamps and take every possible measure to ensure they can't get raises or health insurance to just keep their profit margins

Eh it's Walmart. I wouldn't care if a million people did this before they caught on. Serves those greedy fucks right.

Well you could have let out a bit more details on those updates. When I read this it seemed like it wasn't very big but it resolves quite a few issues with Yosemite, Mail issue is pretty big imo.

any wallet with a beer opener built in.

Dasani is bottled by Coca Cola lol

You should include prices for those that aren't free...

TCL 40-Inch 1080p Roku LED TV ($298) | Amazon

Retailers aren't waiting around for Black Friday to offer aggressive deals on the Xbox One. Today at Walmart, you can get an Assassin's Creed Bundle with Unity and Black Flag, plus a game of your choice, for $379. [ Xbox One Assassin's Creed Bundle and 1 Game of Your Choice,$379]

Maybe since the wives tale is to never refreeze anything maybe a list of the things that you can refreeze would be more beneficial to us?