totally agree, they are jsut part of the soulless racketeering corporate aholes that run this country
totally agree, they are jsut part of the soulless racketeering corporate aholes that run this country
NOOK Simple Touch ($35) | Office Max
Pineapple Parer Slicer and De-Corer ($3) | Amazon
Crucial M500 240GB Internal SSD ($110) | Newegg | Use promo code EMCYTZT59226
this is useless with the newest version of iWork. only works on the 09 versions or earlier
can we get a little spam control in here????
the new mac already has airdrop support, there shouldnt be any reason to have to run that on the newer mac
where was the vote?
hahhahahah what a joke, i would not have posted this shit
you should check prices they have dropped immensely in the past few months
they only release a puzzle for 1 person to solve?
how did that happen? please share!!
Pyrex Storage 14-Piece Round Set ($14) | Amazon
thanks ill check that out!
i really wish I could but i just dont have that kind of money at all, i got injured through work and have been trying to get my doctor to approve chiropractic work through workers comp. i see him tomorrow hopefully he has good news as hes retiring haha
I have a thoracic spine injury and all the PT I have been doing has never done the kind of instant relief this provided me, as well as a feeling that something is going on back there. This will be a game changer in my healing process for sure.
oh thats just horrible. deleted
Mac: File sharing doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist, but that doesn't mean there isn't room to make it even easier than it already is. Infinit is an app that allows you to send files to friends or coworkers regardless of whether their computer is on, and it's fast to boot.