
@chefgon: Umm, I beg to differ. Steve Ballmer does not understand his products. He is not really a tech guy. He's a salesman that has been selling computers so long he THINKS he knows tech.

@QLAB: The reason why I ask about number 1 is because I wasn't sure if Google made a restriction on android devices to only use a cell connection to access the android market and no access via wifi.

@em0hawk: Read my reply to QLAB....

Ok, question and answer time:

@brandizzle: Hey, it's open (sorta) source. Why not design your own google phone?

Yeah.......it just about looks improvised enough to pass for something the A-Team would cook up.

It took the Iranians this long to notice? The Israelis must be STILL laughing their heads off.

@bombastinator: Microsoft never bothered with the hardware unless perhaps mediocre hardware would make MS look bad. And that only happened recently with windows mobile stuff.

Well this is news to me.....FLYING FRIGGIN SNAKES!

@gp1138: Tell your boss that we don't like the new "feature" of his product!

Hey #Apple, change the #iPad switch back to screen lock!


@vitriolix: Manufacturers SUCK when it comes to the software. S U C K ! ! ! !

@xdozex: I disagree. With Moore's law still in effect, it shouldn't be long at all before the right networked server array or supercomputer can be put to the task to render a full length movie version of what this guy did here in his demo.

Wait, so that was allllll CGI???

Google warned that it doesn't officially endorse the latest version of Android for tablets. And gingerbread may not be any better for them either.

Hello?????? Have a special battery similar to a CMOS battery that would accept voice commands to turn the unit on and off.

Multiplayer action of all the CoD games are all utter and complete mindless and monotonous console garbage. And I'm sure this game's multiplayer will be no different.

I think the headphone jack on the bottom of the phone makes much more sense.

Wait, didn't he jump off a skyscraper in the last mission impossible......or was that the one before?