
It looks awesome! Kinda thick though.

@Awax: I've come to accept this about natal. That it can't simply be modded for use as a desktop input device (until I'm proven otherwise). But, I recently saw a post here or at engadget that microsoft is indeed working on next gen computer input methods that will incoroporate features similar to natal's (kinect's).

Both Jobs and Crow were right and wrong. I think there should not have to be an argument between engineers and designers working together.

There are you reception issues so shut up.

LOL! Helluva launch eh Steve-o?

@kingcrim84: I would. But I'm too busy working on a matter/anti-matter reactor using parts I bought off of ebay.

I like it!

He needs rear paws. How about an attempt to actually mimic the biological structure of a cat's rear legs? I hate it when people just throw around the term "bionic" to any primitive prosthetic tech they see.

What do you expect with cheap chinese crap?

@Awax: Your kidding....right? This is microsoft we're talking about. The company that throws away billions of billions of dollars, has gazillion worker drones working on projects and yet it's still getting wiped by the competition in several markets.

@bigtimes: Of course it's going to have current releases. The question is does it have the entire back catalog?

Pity the poor fool who didn't pre-order? How about pity the poor fool who did. Good luck with the new even more draconian and internet choking AT&T pricing plans.

*sigh* Ok, so should I bother to get the iOS4 update for my 2nd gen iPod touch? The reason I ask is because if I do eventually get the newest gen iPod touch debuting at the end of the year I would want the total newness to include the first time I'm seeing iOS4 with it.

@hahn: Oh it's gonna be much sooner than that though dude. ....MUCH sooner

@Rowd: Yes but paying for the service AND the games? C'mon! Couldn't the onlive people cut a deal so we wouldn't have to pay twice?

If I can buy the game what the hell do I need their onlive service for? If were to only have to pay for the service then we'd be talking about something.

@hahn: I know the earth isn't sentient I was just speaking figuratively. We are due apocalyptic earth events though.

@skulldriveshaft: Oh crap. I'd better buy a full retail version then just to be safe? I want to upgrade as many times as I might want to.

A mini sun? Look.....we're talking about a fusion reactor right? I wish they would just stop talking about it and ignite the damn thing already!