
Umm....*sigh* well.....it's not a terrible design but...*sigh* I'm not jumping up and down excited over it either.

@coolaaron88: Right which is why I wrote "Besides" the windows 7 launch.

@[gizmodo.com] According to Cnet the prototype will not be courier based. Just google the subject. And besides the windows 7 launch (which really was vista damage control) every product and major business move from Microsoft lately has been sucking or underwhelming.

Your right guys. While I enjoyed the gizmodo live blog....well actually I didn't. I ended up ACTUALLY WATCHING the Google event from a live video feed on ustream......SUCKAS!!!! :P

According to the rumors, the device is not going to be courier based but will be an evolutionary product only based on the old tablet pc designs.

Another small laptop.......great.

If she only got caught (this time) because of bargain basement quality work done on her hands then....wow what are the high quality paying customers getting away with?

Awesome. Muhoohahahahaaaa!

Damn. I'm all for fighting against dumb anti-piracy laws and all. But this guy musta been really REALLY bored to do something like this.

Utter denial.

For half a second there I thought I was looking at the leaked iTablet interface.

What kind of shmuck charges $35,000 just to visit his home?