Funny. My 2011 Ford F250 and 2015 Lincoln Navigator were bought new and have had zero issues...
Funny. My 2011 Ford F250 and 2015 Lincoln Navigator were bought new and have had zero issues...
A volvo XC90 is around $55,000 for AWD and 3 rows, not 75K and up. Sure if you get the fully optioned model... but let’s be fair.
362 horsepower on the volvo polestar production 2.0 4 cylinder on the v60:
Sound insulation
Where do you think that sweet sweet 10w-30 comes from?
Yes I get in and out of the gas station as quickly as possible because with a job and three kids, I’m always in a hurry. I pee at home, drink water in the canteen, and wash the car at home where you don’t scratch the glass up.
“EV folks will have the opportunity to take their time” I don’t see a 30 minute fill up as an “oppportunity”, more like a royal pain.
Our school district has seat belts in their big yellow school bus and require children to wear them. Not sure if different states or counties have different rules.
Exactly. This website is not providing advice that reflects the reality of car buying and negotiation tactics. Pretty sad for... a car site.
Jason, you missed the mark on picking a safe car for the kids. The Scion XB 2006 and earlier are death traps on a side impact:
Remember when interest rates were cut in the great recession to stimulate the economy? We are on the other end of that now.
One could always say “no” to the payment method and be better with their budget and planning. Consumers have to be responsible and diligent as well.
Interest rates going up is a sign of a healthy economy. My hopes are more people are practical with their money and save cash for cars instead of financing. One can dream...
Sharing some lower frame parts does not make it a Volvo. Especially with crash testing result differences.
Good looking car. Bad review.
Where is your data to show “People like you are disappearing at a fast rate.” is true? I cannot believe anyone would buy a car thinking it is “exactly how I thought they would be”. I’ve test driven way too many cars in my life and many of them were not as expected. Media articles and reviews tend to gloss over a…