Monkey Business

i agree. the show turned into a total mess

ugh personally i like to think that never happened


to be honest it pisses me off too. i thought i was the only one who was annoyed by endless comments on Watson's wardrobe (probably because i myself HATE the way Joan dresses), but i find the av article above to be very interesting. the stray observation concerning Watson's style is pretty thoughtful

i think it was a decent season starter despite of many missed opportunities. they finally hugged - that's everything i needed from this show

really sad to hear that. rip ;(

honestly, the more i think about this ending, the more i like it. at least i'd take this season finale over season 2 finale any day (because Mycroft was revolting and his arc was horribly written). i suppose, it'd be interesting to see Sherlock using drugs again.

idk i feel like every case begins VERY promising and ends up being a real FLOP. someone should tell elementary writers that making cases more complicated won't make them any more interesting. Gregson's storyline got me intrigued tho. i really, really hope that season finale will reimburse all those previous

what shoot-outs?

words can't express how much i'm tired of these boring politics&business crimes. these kind of cases are so goddamn boring. idk what the hell elementary writers think about when they write these horrible too-much-talk A-plots, probably they have a serious crisis of ideas. even stanley cup and adorable Bell didn't save

you know, i concur for the most part. i just don't get why don't writers want to create a new temporary enemy for Sherlock and Watson? okay, we can't have Moriarty in the flesh (then screw her), but there are a lot of other worthy intelligent rivals they could have taken from the book. all those pointless cases of the

Sherlock hates cats as i recall

it's very bright from my perspective.

i'm the first in this list.

russia is for retards

The case was so promising at the start but ended so disappointing. Pity that they didn't stick to the idea of cult and spirits, and switched to some terrorists. And, as always, the murder was committed due to the money and someone's greediness (never because of
jealousy, passion or other human emotions). Hopefully the

actually i'm pretty sure that initially kitty was planned for the whole season, but when writers saw low ratings and numerous requests to get rid of kitty - they wrote her off.

noo i want them to have a physical contact

i want Holmes&Watson to hug very much