Yeah, I think this might be the only case in the history of reality tv where they'll actually have to tone things down and edit out all the really weird stuff to make it actually watchable.
Yeah, I think this might be the only case in the history of reality tv where they'll actually have to tone things down and edit out all the really weird stuff to make it actually watchable.
I think one of the things that makes discussions between atheists and non-atheists difficult is that both sides feel like the other is privileged. I feel like I live in a culture that prizes religion and often offers religious people special treatment, whereas a lot of religious people I've spoken to seem to feel as…
Not to attack your rationality or decision-making skills, but the fact is the majority of people who are religious are of the same religion as their parents. Choices aren't made in a vacuum, and if people really did freely choose their religion based on what is right for them, and not on what they are exposed to the…
I think part of the issue is that, at least on the internet, "religion" isn't a rational, reflective belief god/s. It's a way for people who don't have much going for them to declare themselves instantly better, smarter and more wholesome than most other people in society. I work in an religious-majority field and I…
Hey, be fair. You were the one who was effectively telling everyone who felt offended at her comment that they were overreacting, and she was just doing her job. I didn't really appreciate that 'tude, and hence my response.
Hearting you for having the patience to argue with people who don't understand the concept of consent!
When you say something ignorant and offensive, believe it or not, people will get angry at you. Telling them that their anger must be stemming from their own issues is an incredibly immature way to attempt to invalidate their feelings and opinions. Hope this helps you in your future disagreements. I have a feeling…
So if I can get someone to give me money for making transphobic remarks, I'm beyond reproach? Awesome! Only no, not awesome.
Thanks for the book recommendation, I've been wanting to learn more about trans issues but haven't known where to start. So I'll take you up on it, even if FIAH doesn't!
The "eh, it was before he was engaged/married" comments are really grating with me. Do people really think that anything is fair game unless there's a ring on the finger? If it's just a way of saying it happened a long time ago, then maybe just say that. Otherwise it really sounds like you're suggesting that…
"Hmm, I don't really think this has a positive impact on society" =/= "Ban this! Ban everything I hate, raaaaaawrrrr!"
Wow, really? After all the hurt that Donovanesque expressed about her (admittedly not fully thought through) post, you're going to call her a rape apologist because she dared to suggest that your initial comment seemed to be trying to start a fight? She was spot on, by the way.
Ditto on the 'anything but rap and country!'. Dealbreaker, right there!
Thanks! But Slomo's right, I was unnecessarily harsh about it. I wish I hadn't been, because I stand by the points I was trying to make, but now they're lost because I was cranky and compared him to a PUA. Which was pretty low.
Yeah, I was being over the line. I know what my points were, and I still agree with them, but you're right, I definitely could have made them less venomously. Sorry Slomo, next time I'll direct my bile at a target that's actually deserving.
You're really determined to make this into a thing, aren't you? You know what, it may be 'annoying' that more feminists don't discuss this frequently, but chivalry just isn't at the top of the priority list for most women. For most men trying to come off as feminists? Maybe. So you could go and look for a PUA article…
What? No, they definitely don't mean that kind of experiment! That's not going to get done again any time soon! They mean this kind: [] Which is much less interesting, but also less unethical.
I don't really eat lollies, so whenever anyone mentions Sour Patch Kids, I immediately get them confused with cabbage patch kids instead. It always paints an interesting mental picture.
Wow. There are a lot of comments about how much these guys are arseholes for wanting compensation, and how it was their 'decision,' they volunteered etc. You know what? I'm not sure it is a decision in a situation like that. If I saw someone on fire, I don't know that I'd have much of a choice in how I acted. Besides,…
Saying a website that focuses on women should broaden its scope really grates with me, and it seems like kind of a strange thing to say. I don't hang out on knitting blogs and ask why they aren't offering any political commentary.