Oliver St. John-Mollusc

Yeah this is just another warmed over middle aged white dude complaining about the dread scourge of P.C. and acting as though people telling you you’re an asshole for saying assholish things means your freedom of speech is being curtailed. Fuck Bill James.

To spare others the trouble... Shorter Bill James: Trump is a Giant Douche but he makes some good points.

I can’t believe he described Trump, the king of “can dish it but can’t take it,” as an example of courage and not whining.

I’m a bit partial to the WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU achievement from AC: Syndicate, where you have to flip 5 carriages by shooting the horses pulling them. I’m also glad that Undertale doesn’t have achievements, because I'm sure that fully half of them would be as bad or worse than many on this list.

Oh wow, I don’t know that one - thanks for the heads up, gonna track that down.

It’s actually fairly important to the kickers and punters to get the K ball back if it goes in the stands, because the equipment guys generally only get enough time to break in the first 2-3 balls properly.

Hello Mudda


Extra points for the Wesley Willis soundtrack.

Haha, I can see it now

Coach: “Brian Hoyer’s gonna be our starting QB”
Cushing: “Ugh, he’s terrible” /vomits

Why did the coach announce Hoyer as the starting QB four times? Seems excessive.

The Celtics and Bruins have never won on August 15, but I don’t hear anyone talk about a curse.

“Mine was worse.”

The good new for these guys is that after having their team’s monumental failure relayed to them via cell phone, they got to go out into the freezing cold and get right back to performing one of the most brutal and dangerous jobs in the world.

Remember When Pedro Martinez Killed One Yankee?

The World's Fastest Death Cult

At a certain point, you stop being shocked by how many people have died here. The shock is how many are still alive.

I think they just borrowed this banner from Leicester City.

“Laws aren’t ethics, they are informed by them. And they often take a long, long time to catch up.”