Cool. It was either not there or wouldn’t load for me the first time around.
Cool. It was either not there or wouldn’t load for me the first time around.
My favorite thing about the Quantum Leap theme song is that it feels like it’s three minutes long while the accompanying opening credits only feature two actors.
Norm Macdonald’s name should be included in this conversation. He started every Weekend Update by saying “And now the fake news.”
That’s a really interesting phenomenon that’s happening more and more these days... It’s like Trump supporters proudly embracing the word “deplorables” or Clinton supporters calling themselves “nasty women” or liberals turning “snowflake” around on conservatives. Words intended as derogatory are so quick to lose their…
Is it just me, or does this article not include a link to the original video by Cleanprincegaming that inspired it?
Right... The Hensons reportedly gave their blessing to the recasting, but they have nothing to do with producing the Muppet Thought of the Week or anything else Muppets.
I’m trying to figure out what you’re referring to. Was that something attached to the UK airings?
“Sinister” is the perfect word. It just sounds like the name of a guy you want to avoid.
When I revisited the movie a few years ago, I was surprised to find that “Nicodemus” was a good guy. Vaguely recalling the spooky name NICODEMUS, I had assumed that character was evil.
“The lived-in dynamic between Lauren Graham, Craig T. Nelson, Peter Krause, Monica Potter, Bonnie Bedelia, and Dax Shepard”
Testing 1 2 3?
This old animated Sesame Street segment features a 12-inch pianist:…
Don't look now, but a puppeteer's head is visible (covered in black drape) in the lower right portion of the photo above.
Sir Didymus maybe?
I was already inclined to like his show, but seeing him "fly" in front of a live audience was pretty darn impressive.
Yeah, I never liked the idea of those "Magic's Greatest Secrets Ruined!" specials. Why not just let people enjoy the show?
That's the premise of one of those Jay & Silent Bob bits from the short-lived Clerks cartoon… Jay takes an ordinary quarter or something, invokes the name of the dark lord Satan, and makes it disappear.
Pop was the first U2 album I ever heard. Not realizing that I was supposed to hate it, I really liked it.
The CD booklet for the album had several pages with text that something to the effect of "This material has been omitted for international copyright reasons. Go to the Chumbawamba website to find it." Probably not a lot of people did that… but I did! As I recall, it was mostly political stuff.
The dog's name is Verdell. I remember that, apparently.