Oliver Phonglehorn

Same here, although given his target audience, I suppose we shouldn't have been surprised.

Regarding that Wayne's World sketch: I've always been convinced that Mike Myers wrote it just so he could make out with Madonna.

Didn't the real-life guy say it didn't really "happen" like in the movie? I seem to recall seeing an interview where he said his experience was a bit less horror movie-ish.

So does Cookie Monster!

I just recently acquired Tropical Freeze… This talk is making me afraid to play it.

I made my own mix CD. I called it "All the Polkas."

I think he just grew up a little. He's trying pretty hard to be wacky in some of those earlier projects.

My mom let me stay up for some of it, but she turned the TV off and made me go to bed when Veronica tried to seduce Archie. Pretty hot stuff.

That must be it. R2-D2 doesn't come with any bloatware.

It's a weird thing for ancient trolls to drink in movies.

One of my allegedly negative comments was "John Hurt is still around." I suppose because of the word "hurt?"

I found it interesting that R2-D2 and C-3PO are still in service after at least 50 years. I guess droids have a longer lifespan than computers or smartphones.

Ponda Baba? Oh, you mean Walrus Man!

It's kind of like how the Walt Disney Company keeps calling everything "Disney's This" and "Disney's That." Their souls have passed on, but their names remain on Earth as brands for the companies they founded to continue making money from.

Well, what does Ryan Seacrest do? Dick Clark was kind of like that.

I first knew him as the host of "Animal Crack-Ups," a game show where celebrities answered questions about interesting animal facts. I'm pretty sure he wrote and sang that theme song too.

I heard it as "I'm Darren Host, and I'm your… host, I guess!"

It's even odder (and more disheartening) now.

Everything from the 90s is coming back… When do we get our new Talkboys?

I watched all four of that run of movies a few years back, and I was surprised to find how much I liked that one. It's silly, but it's fun to watch and it's never goes all the way over the edge.