Hmm, but then Hawkeye wouldn't be terminably boring and we'd be like "hey, why isn't there more Hawkeye in this" and that would throw off the whole balance. You have to have a boring guy.
Hmm, but then Hawkeye wouldn't be terminably boring and we'd be like "hey, why isn't there more Hawkeye in this" and that would throw off the whole balance. You have to have a boring guy.
This whole last season was doing a motherhood theme which was the last thing I ever expected from the dude-focused SPN. And I really liked it!
I'm so hyped. Jody is awesome, and this makes sense as a spinoff where "Chicago randomly has monster crime families" never did. I would also accept a "Women of Letters" spinoff, but this is better because Jody.
Being in the opening credits doesn't really mean all that much if you aren't Sam or Dean. Cas has been in the credits for years and he is frequently gone for like half the season.
"Like Steel Horse and Mr. Monopoly, Ruth and Debbie have a complicated history, … when they become, respectively, the primary face and heel of GLOW."
I just finished rewatching Community and that has me really hyped for this. She's so good, and she gives you that feeling like you don't know quite what she'll do. She's also got great physicality on Community (I'm thinking of her little "blowing everything off" shimmies, in particular, but that's not the half of it).
If I eat all this cake I am *definitely* going to need better health coverage.
Aw, he was just making a hilarious pun.
But where were the women midgets, I ask you? Intersectionality!
That's ok, because Spy is great. Worth the dicks.
Is it really arrested development if you're 14? It seems like just development development, like, you're still in development.
Ugh, were those the two who thought they were manipulative masterminds and they made the blonde cry in her bikini? I hated them so much I ended up liking that blonde girl!
Righhhhhhhht….I mean timing from the perspective of the writers' room. This would be a weird time to kill off Judy, narratively speaking.
The helicopter was the media, wasn't it? I thought the last shot was like a photo of the nazis dragging Judy around.
Timing, mostly. If Judy King is thrown off a roof (on camera) the kid gloves come off and the riot comes to a violent end. Seems too early in this 'bottle' season for that kind of turning point.
To read this initially as Lassie from Psych, which also works, really.
Yeah, I don't know why he didn't give Angie the lap dance. Even if he couldn't get the gun, she's the one to suck up to.
Those people were mistaken, you're so right.
The main sort of business-y argument I see against this decision is that it makes me wary of getting invested in the next risky, exciting Netflix show. I have to think there's value in having a reputation for giving shows a chance to end well (even if they don't last as long as we'd like).
The second season is a lot more interested in the history and 'mythos' of the sensates and their enemies than the first. There are a lot of loose ends. But, if you liked the first, I'd suggest watching it. I am broken-hearted about the cancellation but that has very little to do with being left hanging on the plot.