
Man, i thought they were never going to get around to introducing Alphonso. They go and hire the actor (who was so good in Sirens) for that quick bit of surveillance video and then really keep us on hold. Glad we got to see him, and glad that he gets to be a person with feelings that the show respects, rather than

I don't think the writers necessarily create or intend the links (although they presumably know they will be added).

By some accounts, Chevy didn't really like Community and didn't really find it all that funny (which didn't stop him from being hilarious on it). I think that sense of befuddlement actually came through really well in the characterization. By contrast, I think Baldwin knew exactly why Jack was funny and was as in sync

Cosby, at least, is a pretty-heavily-weighted-to-one-side bag at this point. Baldwin's sins are a bit more balanced with his gifts (I say this as someone who finds Jack Donaghy to be maybe my favorite television character of all time. YMMV).

There was a meeting of the various deities in one episode (including Kali, who I think was having an affair with the Trickster. Of course, the Trickster eventually ends up being an angel, brother of Michael and Lucifer). I think when Cas and Lucifer entered the mix the show decided to fully invest in the angels/demons

Given the connection to Supernatural, which explicitly accepts a Judeo-Christian god and mythology (albeit in a heavily fantastical way), one could almost say that Carry On is on point here.

This seems like a situation where the movie *has* to be better than the trailer. The trailer on its own doesn't give me a single thing to be interested in (except maybe whatever Jon Hamm is up to). But the movie has to be pretty decent, right?

"Holla- what?"

How explode-y do you think Ted's head got when Married with Children became the longest running live action comedy in Fox's history?

Martin Starr reading the screenplay kills me. "That should be a new scene."

For me it's a hard choice between Ricky Sargulesh and Steve Guttenberg's birthday for best episode.

I've watched the show all the way through at least five times and I still had to IMDB it to make sure he was a new character.

I love Constance's reactions too, from totally into it to mildly concerned to SHUT IT DOWN.

Is it possible 98 is when he left his family? I don't think we know exactly how long he's been gone, but it seems to be somewhere between 14 and 20 years. Just given the way Harmon tends to write his characters psychologically, I could definitely see the Szechuan sauce being a stand-in for his guilt over abandoning

That whole last season is such a surprise, as the premise kind of screamed "we've wrapped up our main story but we're still on! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" But then it was totally great, with a top five finale, for me.

I love the Lost finale unabashedly. The last season is kind of an embarrassing disappointment, but the actual finale is exciting and epic and emotionally satisfying. Superman punch!

No argument here. It's *reminiscent* of Mt Weather, and that will understandably give a human with working emotions pause, but it's not the same. Clarke and the gang either do something for which they might not be able to forgive themselves, and maybe save the human race, or keep their consciences clean and do nothing

It looked pretty silly to me, and it comes from the writer of True Blood so I see little reason to imagine it will turn out to be anything other than silly. But whether it will be entertainingly silly I couldn't tell at all from that promo.

Yes, that was so weird.

The way Trubel came flying through the door at the end felt very 'wacky neighbor' to me.