
Love the music but I can see myself drooling and missing my connection to this track.

As an adult, I think I've done more to piss off passive-aggressive a-holes by not responding (different from being nice). That said, for those active a-holes out there, you MUST react; on the spot. Otherwise the premise of rewarding their meanness becomes true.

Wished my wife understood this: if there's something I hate is accumulating useless junk. I'd rather make space for things I actually use. The only things I do store are those that have a significant sentimental value (and even for those I occasionally throw them away after taking a high-res pic).

$150-$200 for a new battery? Heard of Ebay?

I just started a job where I just realized how much I like to interact in person. I work remotely and it can be days before I talk to someone face to face.

The iOS app is hands down the best solution to grab my favorite radio stations overseas. Best $0.99 I've ever spent!

People say I come across as a natural public speaker. Truth, I get as nervous as anyone else; I've just come to terms with the fact that I feel jittery and kind of "channel" the excitement into my speech.

As of the last few months I have noticed I perfectly get by with 5 to 6 hours of sleep (previously 7 to 8 would do). I don't know but it's like something happened to my metabolism. For what is worth I took a new job and moved to another country.

It works... finally!


I wonder if this video can be downloaded; I wished I could watch it on my iphone....

Wow... would love to try an app like this with my Iphone. Is there an equivalent?

I'd be willing to speculate the fat content is higher in the home made version.

While good, the lesson could've been delivered in half the time (too much "me, me, me").

@cha0tic: When I work for family, I work for food. When I work for friends, I work for booze.

Interesting how timeliness is such a big thing in Western cultures. That said, people hardly put this much thought to showing up on time in my home country (Mexico); I've worked as an expat in South America and South Asia and in that regard, timeliness ranks in the list of priorities more or less the same (as in,

I had everything set up in Mint a few weeks ago and out of a sudden I just can't figure out why is not updating my BofA transactions. Apparently I'm not the only one on this boat. :p

My wife uses the drawers of her night table for this purpose: problem is, junk goes in, but rarely out :p

Good thing about living in Mexico; driving is so hectic you just can text while driving.