
Niceeee....these is what my wife need!!!

VOTE: Piratebay

I just love this thing... it's just perfect for me. Can't wait to get my hands on one.

@rcrockett: Couldn't agree more. A few years ago I realized I just could not stand spending a minute without any form of stimuli. I now use my commuting time to actively zone out. It's like rebooting my brain.

@kettlewhistle: Unless you can afford to walk away from the negotiation, there's very little you can do to get an offer above what everyone else in your field is making.

@wjglenn: I agree; we wasted so much money in useless training where I used to work. I am also a believer of train-on-the-go, though in a structured manner.

Has any mortal actually tried it? I get the impression it's one of those programs that slows down your computer like hell unless you are running the latest hardware.

@Micho: oh... and also leave my torrent client running.

Defrag, Windows Update and Virus Scan

I learned this the hard way.

Practice, practice, practice.

Costco (Mexico)

I see myself doing that with my remote control. My son leaves it covered with butter from watching cartoons and eating popcorn.

@BeZen: Sweet jesus... she looks like a she would not be even twenty. How come she's a newscaster? (that said, wow, she's very pretty).

@Xeno: Nahh... I'd switch her for Ms. Piggy Chops.

@amrcanpoet: Yup; I uninstalled it a few weeks ago.

I just tried it; pretty insightful. A realized a few flaws in my sales pitch after listening to myself.

Try to be a better parent; spend an hour a day playing with my kids. Eliminate a few words/phrases from my vocabulary when scolding them.

Slim and an (annoying) tapper here... both traits inherited from my father..hehe.