
Sony has done this before, they sold the playstation far below the price of making them, it's called price dumping they do this to blow their competitors away and then over time when the price of the parts start to drop they start making small profits, the trick is to sell a lot of them by being far better than any of

I love the fact that in order to really get that joke you have to be a nerd. Well done.

Really? I'll take one of these above that any day. You'll never have to worry about gaps in the road and evil robots from space ever again. Now that's a car.

I'm sorry according to wikipedia the ratings are now down to 0.876 million viewers.

Am I the only one getting the feeling apple is just spreading these rumors so people will massively buy i products while their still "in stock"?

@Mr. Rosewater

My eyes!!! I guess I'm gonna have a tough time sleeping tonight.

Well done giz, another in depth article. C'mon man i like my news in bite sise chunks as much as the next guy but this is ridiculous the articles keep getting shorter and shorten. Why not delete the site and just use twitter if your going to do another "redesign".

imagine how hardcore i looked with the original (heavy) iPad strapped to my chest. Now thats a heavy workout.

Wait, how do you turn? by leaning from right to left i guess, thats gotta be akward when you are going down hill and you want to turn left.

I think that if you eat to much Edam Cheese the bike will give because it won't be able to keep you. The part you sit on isn't supported.

I'm just hoping it isn't going to be like the first couple of episodes from SGU: Boring. I don't mind drama but seriously if this whole show is gonna be about two aliens fighting each other and the humans just trying to survive i think it would be hard to make a good show of it. What's the red line gonna be like? do

maybe Syfy should stick with sci fi instead of comedy and wrestling, I know it's been said before but it's still very true.

@Dogen I don't want to sound like a AT&T fanboy or something, but i think the whole use data while your calling thing is kind off a big difference, also there are certain regions where AT&T is way better than Verizon and Regions where Verizon is way better Than AT&T. It's all about personal preference and where you

A random question but why didn't SGU 212 get a recap? Just wondering if there was some sort of pattern or do the writhers just write whatever they feel like?

If science fiction is becoming so immensely populair why the hell where so much good scifi shows cancelled in 2010? I mean I would not consider SGU and Caprica to be part of the "crap" shows.

Isn't it good their trying to expand? Even if the show is awfull what does it matter? Their trying something new with their company.

Where is the stargate? It only takes one solar flare and you've got yourself a sweet time machine.

It is news because apple said they where only testing (in the beta versions) it and it would not be available for consumers. This will let everybody enjoy the sweet awesomeness of multitouch gestures.

Or even worse, the cloud blows towards china stopping iPad and MacBook production. Panic everybody!!!