
Elway was a great quarterback, and I appreciate most of what he has done on the GM front, asside from the whole “make Von look greedy” move. But the personality cult needs to die, and I’m glad you did your part today. He’s been getting away with crap in this city for 35 years, and something tells me that the

Writing down that phone number to offer helpful roster advice when they start making cuts in August.

What, you thing guys who run businesses get to say “you know what, I’m just working too hard, I’m going to take the day off?”

They did score four away goals in the last round, and Griezmann and Gameiro are a pretty formidable attacking duo. Atletico have shown that they can beat possession-based teams like Barca and Bayren by sitting back on defense and killing on the counter, but it’s not as if they can’t attack when they need to.  

I guess they have slightly modified the rule, so that one association can have up to five teams in the UCL. So fourth-place Arsenal could still get knocked out, but both Leicester and United would have to win their respective tournaments. And while I won’t say the words “Impossible” and “Leicester” in the same

I will not give fellow Americans (which I assume you are) too hard a time over picking a team that is regularly in the Champion’s League as their European soccer team- I certainly did. For a long time, that was the only way to follow a team without an expensive cable package. And if you aren’t stuck with a team from

While I sincerely appreciate the wordplay (seriously, I laughed), as a lifelong Broncos fan, I sat through that entire 2011 season, and I will say this about Tebow: he didn’t throw that many interceptions. (6 in 14 games, including one 3 pick game against Buffalo- yes, I had to look that up). He didn’t throw too many

Thursdays won’t know what hit them.

If you hate Real but don’t feel particularly happy about rooting for Barca, you can always join us on the Atletico Madrid bandwagon. You have to get used to constant rumors of your entire team being poached by Chelsea and United, and I’ve probably gained a bit of grey hair watching some of the “sit back and defend

Forget polka. I suspect the money for virtuoso accordion players is in classical tango. Orchestras play Piazzola from time to time, and they likely need guest accordion players. Any time those gigs aren’t coming in, you just go down to Buenos Aires and put together an ensemble. Don’t try to tell me that the accordion

Are there any other slightly obsessive exact change people out there? I’m cashless these days, but ten years ago, I derived a significant amount of pleasure out of giving exact change to cashiers, and always coming home with fewer pennies than I had when I left in the morning (I had a roommate ditch a vase full of

I think it just doesn’t ever rain this much in San Diego. This is kind of like blaming Houston for not having a fleet of snowplows ready for a random ice storm.

I played for a year and hated it, mostly because I sucked. So most of my attitudes toward Rugby are colored by that experience, and I won’t give anyone a hard time for liking the sport. That said...

Reading genres that you actually enjoy is another great tip. I will branch out here and there, but I mostly read mystery novels, and I have learned to get over my fear that I am missing out by not reading more serious literature.

Re-discovering the libary as an adult is one of the best things I have ever done. As you say, multiple formats of any book you want available with a few clicks. Due dates give you motivation to get the book done, and because you didn’t pay anything for the book, you don’t have to feel bad about quitting if it just

I had the opposite experience. Middle school assigned readings started me down the path of never reading. Then second semester of my sophamore year in college, I suddenly found myself with two books to read in the last week of classes (Shelly’s Frankenstein and Walker Percy’s “Lancelot”). Normally I would have skimmed

Some people just roll out the dough on a cutting board and cut off bits with a knife, flicking them into the water as they go. But a food mill works great, especially with a runnier dough.

I think the equivilant fast and easy street food in that part of the world are Empenadas.

It’s shockingly easy to make, too. All you need is flour, eggs, salt, milk, boiling water, and a food mill, and you can be eating spaetzle in 15 minutes. 

Did anyone get the impression from his evasive answer that Drew has never actually seen Euro Trip? (Understandable, since it doesn’t have a whole lot going for it beyond boobs and the Matt Damon cameo.)