Neither can his lawyers! The cease & desist letter also contained a request for copies of the book. The incompetent staff of the incompetent administration couldn’t find one source to slip them an advance copy?
Neither can his lawyers! The cease & desist letter also contained a request for copies of the book. The incompetent staff of the incompetent administration couldn’t find one source to slip them an advance copy?
Andrew Sullivan is a classic Republican in that his politics is only defined by how it affects him (and as a privileged white male, very little does). His hypocrisy and navel-gazing have rendered him impossible to read or to take seriously.
Nice job, Caleb, but you have to be a ninja turtle first, while you’re still a teenager.
I went to college with her sister and can attest their mom is insufferable and entitled. Please don’t ungray me; I wish to remain anonymous.
Yes, and the funding arrangement was reported on back at the time. Brazile didn’t “discover” anything.
I think you’re trying to explain that a litigant always tries to go after who he/she thinks has the deepest pockets for a lucrative settlement. This article is not about that.
Here’s an article that explains further:
There are 18 statutes of Jesus in my parents’ house alone.
I hope you got a refund. Time Warner did that to me and never refunded me. They claim they sent me a check, but it’s been 6 years.
You don’t think there’s a difference between wanting to expand a voter base vs. shrinking one through systematic disenfranchisement?
I’ve carried 2 phones for 10 years (work & personal). There’s a lot of peace-of-mind to be had from knowing that I only have to respond to certain ringtones.
Yes, the physical resemblance is obviously Ivanka, but she delivered her lines in a thick Eastern European accent, perhaps to connote Melania, or more likely, Mother Russia.
It was clearly meant to conflate the two.
Ha! I’m surprised they didn’t do Macbeth with the Clintons. This production with Melania seducing Caesar to stay was really well done.
That’s why this was so delicious. He was trying to school her on law and got smacked down.
Check out Sam Webb’s twitter for videos of the gladiator battles. Harbaugh vs. Drevno and battle of the coordinators, Brown v. Pep Hamilton.
Yup, and it’s not the only time either.
Not even all Trumps. Poor Tiffany.
Thank you!
A lawsuit has been filed alleging that Trump is in violation of the emoluments clause. We’ll see how far it gets. What we need is impeachment, but the lily-livered Republican congress won’t as long as he’s executing their vision.