
yeah it was, worse being the car was pretty stripped as I was in the process of customizing it, no back seat, door panels, etc. talk about a tin can effect. I really had no time to think, the car was rolling over on its sides, spinning around like a top, when the guard jumped out ( kidding ) and impaled the bug. I was

I am still wondering about the lady terrorist who put down the bags and slowly meandered to selfie shot at the fallen SUV and then went running back to be first in line for her haircut

that is pure fucking gold

I came out of the Hampton Roads bridge tunnel in the early 1990's, in my 1974 lowered Beetle, peddling to stay at 55; it was kinda stormy that morning and when my poor Beetle came out of the tunnel, the winds picked it up and flung me into the guard rails; glad I was pretty stupid in my younger years, as one of the

Indigo Girls concert?

what I want to know, would they stop a average 400lb Walmart shopper, hell-bent on her mobility scooter?

yeah, in 2050, they'll have a "barn find"

sell the emblems off the side for my next Fiero project

been in the porn industry have you...

pick and pull for exotics?

only if it's French or some odd ball Swedish make

and one has to ask, why?

unless it was a 4cyl car; those got toasted quite a bit

it's still a roller; meh

nah, I;m stupid like that

come on, I swear Taylor Swift's songs have proven I can't be wrong

flat earthers; bastards

oh shit; the Salvation Army has gone rogue? that's it, no more pocket change in the kettles anymore


those damn 7day clowns keep practicing animal slaughtering in my front yard, which is pretty damn close