
If Donnie does MMA like he does Crossfit he will snap his own neck.

She’s not naive. She’s evil, just like the rest of them.

Except he was offered basically the same deal already and refused it, which led to the SEC suing him, so it’s less “oddly applaud” and more, he realized how absolutely fucked he was when the SEC sued him for securities fraud.

Good points all. Though I’m not sure I would clarify bugs and cats as rodents.

It’s not unpopular here, the supposed “DemSoc Bernie” Left’s fucking purity contest has potentially fucked everyone on the planet but at least they got to feel smug about their useless old White guy not being popular outside their White Middle-Class playing Working-Class “Class Warfare” demographic by fucking over

You’d think a SCOTUS nominee wouldn’t need this kind of coaching this is sort of his field of expertise isn’t it?

He is a giant fucking nerd with Autism. I believe it

Look, if someone doesn’t like to fly when they don’t have to, but can overcome their fear of flying when necessary, then there’s no way they were sexually assaulted as a teenager. That’s just science.

Just like your Idiot in Chief, you are too rock stupid to use the “Salem Witch Trials” as a proper analogy.

Look everyone, regardless of whether these accusations against Judge Kavanaugh have any merit, the fact remains that there are literally BILLIONS of women around the world that he had never sexually assaulted and, with that in mind plus the fact he’s been called a ‘really nice guy’, we’re pleased to confirm his as

He is NOT the most popular active politician in America.

Who pulled you out of the greys? I’d like to kick them in the crotch.

She may have refused to be by his side for whatever reason but I distinctly remember her giving an interview abiding by the talking point that his comments should be deemed ‘locker-room talk’ instead of taken seriously. She also went along with her husband birther lunacy against Obama. Make no mistake this one knows

...these assholes let her slowly die of benzo withdrawal, after she warned them about exactly what would happen. I used to be dependent on prescription klonopin, and the idea of this happening always horrified me.

I mean this when I say it:  fuck these shit fuckers. I hope they die terrible, terrible deaths, alone and screaming for help. 

E) Bragged about his epic booger he just blew out every episode

I was no fan of McCain at all and feel very strongly that his pick of Palin opened the door for Trumpism, but that being said he was still a much larger man than Trump will ever be.

He said he likes to use it to show emotion.  He has also said that he knows the Rules of Capital Letters, but he ignores the rules to show how much he means what he’s saying.  If he were more intellectual, he’d rely on vocabulary.  But we all know that he’s a Fucking Moron, so this Utter Crap is what we get!!!1

By punching them in the leg every time they slam on the brake trying to press the non existent clutch pedal.

His death led to those innocents dying, so having glee in his death is directly linked. It’s not really about having multiple points of views, it’s more about having contradicting points of views.