
Are you fucking kidding me? No, hacking the emails of the DNC isn’t an act of war. But the hacking is definitely illegal, and it being done at the highest levels of a foreign power in a deliberate attempt to influence our elections, is a huge fucking deal. And any U.S. person who aided in that for the benefit of a

I think we are all about to be disabused of any notion that an election and a presidency is traitor-proof. This is going to make Benedict Arnold look good.

Yawn call me when they have a smoking gun and can impeach him at this point it’s just bluster and smoke so if you’ll excuse me i’ll be busy concocting scenarios that get pence and Paul Ryan removed from office too.

Nonsense! I personally do at least 200 texts a day. (No, I don’t. That would be insane.)

As a mother, you should be worried about:

“To me, their opinion is valuable precisely because they don’t have any credentials attached.”

Having a child certainly didn’t make this woman know how to properly use the word “infer.” Imply, damn it! IMPLY

The comments thus far make so happy. I was worried I was the only one who didn’t see a push. #NotSchizoYet

I was really hoping this was a story about Tiger Woods drowning Tim Tebow.

I hear they are leaning the opposite way and looking at Steve Alchevy.

The WH knew, because RM sent over what she had for verification. Which: 1) she said she had done; 2) is standard good journamalism in order to avoid publishing forgeries.