I’d be all for them keeping the car running if Pence were in it while it’s parked in a garage.
I’d be all for them keeping the car running if Pence were in it while it’s parked in a garage.
I’ll just blurt it right out.
I’m not the ultra-left but I heard what he said and watched him say it. All 3 versions. Vomit inducing. I know what he said and I know what he meant. He was pretty clear.
She is saying that that is what she’d seen people saying. She did not say that this was her view.
If you listen to the interview linked on this article you’ll hear that Jaqen is incorrect. The mother did not call BLM a terrorist group. She’s referring to messages/emails she’s received from trolls. Start at about 6 minutes in.
I think you should listen again. That’s not what she said.
Jesus Christ
I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night but I’m pretty sure there’s a serious crime or two in your scenario.
The White House knew because her show sent the returns to the White House prior to the show to see if they had any comment on them. She said this at the start of her show.