
The golden shower thing? No, that’s just embarrassing. The part about Putin blackmailing him and pressuring him to change the GOP’s official strategy? That’s treason.

Oddly, most of us got that it wasn’t personal dislike and that Putin wanted a puppet for Christmas. And don’t puppets look cuter with tiny hands?

I would pee on that nasty man’s face. But only after a lot of coffee. And wine. and beets and asparagus. And during a yeast infection.

I pronounce Celtics with a hard “C” at the beginning. We have fun.

When a powerful U.S. Senator is delivering copies of Pizzagate conspiracy theory manifestos to the director of the FBI, this equivalence will become valid.

I heard Brenda has been tapped to lead Trump’s Child Welfare Commission.

She is an utter disgrace. All she does is lie to defend whatever disgusting thing Trump has said or done. Anyone that can repeatedly lie with a straight face like that is a terrible human being.

I still refuse to listen to this woman speak. So, I can’t bring myself to watch the video.

Trump being a political pawn of the Kremlin, if true, is not something that falls under the category of “dumb BS”, that’s the makings of a new election and bordering on a hot war with Russia. The if is huge, and this sounds too good to be true to anyone who’s concerned about the course of our nation for the next four

Dumb bs? trump being blackmailed by the russians to be their puppet is dumb? Get out of here with that crap.

if it’s true that russia has been cultivating donald for five years, i see that as noteworthy and i’d like that to be further investigated. agree to disagree, i guess.

Golden showers aren’t, but being blackmailed by Russia might count for more with his fans. Other allegations are that his aides were in contact with Russian officials leading up to the election. But I agree with you that nothing ever seemed to stick to him, so this probably wouldn’t have either.

please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true

According to some things I’ve read—one of the things on the Apprentice tapes we’ll never see is Trump calling one of his children a “retard”.

There’s definitely a genetic factor, because autism runs in families and has a higher incidence in both sets of paternal twins than in non-genetically identical siblings. But there is an environmental factor, as well, because there are identical twins where one is autistic and the other is not.

Yes, better understanding of the spectrum, and reclassifying other conditions like Asperger under autism. So the actual numbers of people with these conditions hasn’t increased significantly, it’s that they’re now all considered “autistic.”

White women who are attending this rally did not vote for Trump, and it does no good to fight with them as a group.

You must be one of those smart people who assumes everyone with an opinion that differs from your own is be a troll. I’m sure this will be a productive conversation.


No, it didn’t.