Were these stories true? Does it matter? For Ichiro as for no other player, certain things felt possible.
Were these stories true? Does it matter? For Ichiro as for no other player, certain things felt possible.
Pretty sure that lineup has nearly zero to do with baby boomers...
With those initials, the tagline should have been “Communications for the next 1,101 years.”
For that matter, Jay et al. at GMG, I'm wondering if you'd consider a change to your style guide: don't use the racist and offensive names of these sports teams in your posts. "DC pro football team, "Atlanta MLB team," and similar phrases get the point across.
I’ll never forgive Dubya for starting that “homeland” idiocy.
Lol incel movie reviewers.
Where is Buzz Aldrin when we need him?
Seeing Sub Zero ripping out a spine is perfectly ok but God forbid a nipple is shown. Fuck do we have shit ass backwards.
Well, he did win. We just refuse to get rid of the Electoral College.
Oh, I like this theory! Or is it a Simone situation, where Republicans can create the mouthpiece of their dreams?
I think that Bill Mahr quote is a little different. He’s an outspoken atheist and doesn’t like that Christianity currently rules most western countries. So it’s reasonable for him to be concerned about another religious ideology stepping up to join in the fun.
Always assume random teens are trying desperately to dunk on you.
As a sex worker and staunch feminist, I fucking LOVE IT when other feminists tell me that I’m delusion, a tool of the patriarchy, an oppressed person, or a traitor to my gender. I LOVE THAT SO MUCH YOU GUYS!!
She showed these fucks what it actually means to stand your ground.
Send her a thank you email here - http://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/assembly/2011/2011R/Pages/MemberProfile.aspx?member=S.%20Flowers
If you’re in the area and you have a chance to go, don’t fuck around.
I was lucky enough to attend the 50th anniversary and it’s something I’ll never forget.
But I like my life being a product sold to the highest bidder!
Hopefully there will be no happy ending.