
I want to expand a bit on Mr. Thomas Sheedy and Atheists for Liberty but PZ beat me to it....

This is a bad take. I award you no points...

Mrs OldMan and I traded a ‘cold’ early february that was bronchail. She brought it back from her Vegas trip and it took about 10 days to run then I picked it up.


and a post 9/11 type response as well.

Mormon Socialist Healthcare

I use Science Based Medicine as a starter. As I said above, the news is spreading some false and fearmongering info at the moment.


I guess we were watching a different administration in those days because he sure didn’t let his Intel officers do thier jobs....or his SoS that he sent to lie to the UN...or the military since he used the national guard for the illegal occupation of Iraq....or the courts becuase they labaled everyone as ‘enemy

If this scare last long enough it would make a prefect excuse to cancel the general elections. I’d bet he cancels some primaries like W did in 2004.

You trusted W with SARS?

You trusted W with SARS??

you do know we’ve had coronaviruse scares before, correct?

that’s why I pasted the discrepancies paragraph.

The media coverage is wall to wall and the MAGAt had to give a presser and put Mother’s hubby in charge.

+1 Seattle Metropolitans

is it worth the panic?

Any word on how we’ll fight the Flu???

LOL. I hear ya. I bag my own groceries most the time. If there is a bagger I let them know that I may look big and strong but I’m old and riddled with pain and they need to bag my stuff light and it works more time than not. 

There’s been a theme the last few days in the comments on the ‘grocery store’ pieces about saving time and avoiding the ‘terrible cashier expereince’.