
Maybe the photo was changed but that is Solid Snake circa MGS4, Old Snake.

What about when we battle Red on the summit of Mt. Silver!?

It widely accepted that Gen II was the greatest until Gen VI.

Ya but you know the rest of Esleweyr and the Black Marsh, etc. will come in expansions. And who knows maybe we'll get Akavir?


I second this one, played this with over 15 of my buddies watching over 3 days. Now that's a game!

I'll second Tools of Destruction, one of the finer early PS3 titles, I love Rachet & Clank games.

Metroid Fusion was my favourite Metroid game beside Prime of course.


He's like "well I was just a bustin' up a chifforobe when Ms. Mayella Ewell came up".

A bit more sailing, like x100 more sailing. which is awesome.

Oh yes, this game was possible on PS2, wake up.

read the article?

No they said they didn't want to put it on last gen consoles because it held back gameplay and balance, the Wii U just doesn't have the guts.

The big problem is the gentleman who made Piou Piou.

The wanted sex-0ffender posters that look curiously like Dennis!

The Back-Brace!

Love them McPoyles.

Charlie saving the beautiful waitress!

Mac's dad!