
Loved it, but to be an ass, Goku never used Destructo Disk or Special Beam Cannon, and Vegeta's beam attacks should be coloured purple. But I did love this, captured the silly essence of DBZ and was more enjoyable than Evolution.

I am also the Snackmaster, respect for your delicious sounding mushrooms.

Also I think this guy should sue over King.com's name.

Look out Orange Crush pop! They're coming for you next!

Ya between that, the facial hair and the eyes I think EA is doing a bang-up job on the likeliness. Except Georges, il regarde comme un grenouille.



World of Wu-tang? Kind of like Jade Empire but set in Staten Island.

"When god gives you lemons, YOU FIND A NEW GOD"

Thank you Killermonkey, I feel that everyone should enjoy and value my opinions.

Magic requires no genius. Geniuses are occupying there time with far more important matters, or driving cabs in NYC.

But skill and ingenuity, I see plenty here.

News: magic doesn't exist?

This was 100 times more interesting than any magic i've seen in decades. Sorry.

Both Ong Bak and the Protector were Thai Martial Art masterpieces, if your a fan of martial arts movies I highly suggest giving them a watch.

While a lot of it looks "good" and "hot", I have a feeling functionality will be the most important aspect of true post-apocalyptic gear.

Don't Starve for your Playstation 4. DMC, Bioshock: Infinite, and Brothers for your PS3. Smart As... and Worms: Battle Islands for your Vita. Guess Christmas is coming late this year. Sure, Vita is getting the short end of the stick this time around, but I just had a great time playing free Sonic Racing on my flight

He writes paragraphs the old fashioned way, brutally!

I used to love them, but now I love Miyazaki.

So it's better?

Skyrim was the first TES game to come out in Dragon flavour.