I would have to agree Kajica, this is a terrifically great albumt! Between Black Shuck, Stuck in a Rut and Love on the Rocks (With No Ice) I couldn't get enough of this back in... 2005.
I would have to agree Kajica, this is a terrifically great albumt! Between Black Shuck, Stuck in a Rut and Love on the Rocks (With No Ice) I couldn't get enough of this back in... 2005.
Better plot than most of the games nominated so far; save Gone Home. We're you not blown away by the pinky scene and the finale!?
Great pick, truly one of the most hair-raising endings in any game, ever, in all of gamedom. When I peeled open that last door, wow.
Man-tears for the win.
One of the only games I cried while playing!
Is it that you despise that type of animation or is it the subject matter of the animes you've watched?
Read the thread, my comment stands. Bill Watterson should be pleased people give a shit about him enough to do comic of him. And he certainly doesn't require the defence of his term-paper-writing fanboys. Sit down.
Then you have no sense of humour. People like you piss me off, can't take a joke that targets, not even you, an interest of yours. Just sad, go whine somewhere else.
Thought I was ballin' at level 15!
It is ONLY going to be released on X1 and PS4. They didn't want the last generation of gaming to hold back the development.
in-after someone makes a stupid inb4
I don't think it was all that much worse than say THQ's first MMA game. It was a lot more fluid, there was a great sense of momentum in EA MMA, what THQ had right IMO was ground game, that ability to hold a guy in a position and wait for your moment to make a pass, or a submission and the high-low kicking game. Also…
Do you really need that to be explained? Boxing is on the outs, MMA is huge. Plus if this is anything like EA MMA the punching controls will be very similar to FN.
Breath of Fire III is my favorite JRPG of all time. When I was a young lad my mother bought me a PS1 and BOF3, but no memory card, so my first month was spent playing BOF3 and leaving my console on for weeks until I died and having to start over. Needless to say, I beat the game handily with one save. But man, was…
Spamming with Raiden or Striker in the new MK!
If games came out looking like that in 1999, I'd still be playing them.
Agreed, calling shenanigans.
Simple and perfect.
No, no it isn't.
Quite literally, that is all.