Thank Veit! I misuse that saying all the time.
Years to make it function properly? Xbox had to redesign their consoles too, and the RROD was way more public than the YLOD? So what my 80g PS3 YLOD after 4 years of active, university filth level service. My first 360 RROD after 1 year and my replacement within the next 3 months, I told Microsoft they'll only be…
Shittiest gamepad ever launched? You must be one of those yahoos that think that the Xbox 360 offset joysticks actually have some ergonomic benefit.
The album was well into production as of May 2006 because Kid Koala had finished recording the turntable tracks by then. Seven years on a hip-hop album is a little much, and now after listening to the album I can say that, personally, I find it is nowhere near the quality of the first, in both production and lyrical…
Actually Trolly, I got into the Wii really late, my first games played were MadWorld, the Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess, Red Steel and Super Smash Brawl!
Playstation Plus: Nice-guy move of the Generation.
They should probably rename the article "The Best and Worst of the Last Generation of Console Gaming".
First Awful Wii Experience: Red Steel
First Great Wii Experience: MadWorld
Huge Deltron 3030 fan, I think Del is one of the finest MC's to ever spit. Looking forward to seeing how this album came out after being in production for so damn long!
Thanks Spitz! I'm Canadian and thus have almost no knowledge of the American constitution!
Problem is the only people your government is paying is the people who are causing everyone else not to be paid? Stop paying those idiots and they'll figure their problems out real quick.
more like the world's stupidest beard
Do they?
Got to agree with you there, they could wait and announce it after the release and save themselves the backlash!
That Microsoft is trying to make money off their consumers privacy, or lack thereof.
I'd love to see a GTA placed in a Vancouver-like city.
I never thought of Hamus, but Meatroid, that's an instant classic.
in what way is South Park only targeting 11 year olds now? Sounds like haven't watched a South Park episode in the past 7 years. When I was 11 years old I could barely wrap my head around the satire in this show, I only really grasped the parody and the celebrity gags.