
What I have been noticing with recent COTDs is that Jalop editors love wordplay, like a compulsive eater that psychologically cannae refuse a Hostess cupcake.

Not judging, they’re amusing as shit, just an observation.

Can’t argue with results!

Well it did stop the racing, so mission accomplished?

I was born here, 100% American... Love my country !

As long as they do nothing entertaining, right?

You’re not being charged by the word here. Surely you can do better than screaming ignorance at someone who thinks that this looks tragic as it is in the pics.

Sorry, I meant, “...there was no more of this disaster show left to sit through in hopes that it would get better but somehow got perpetually disappointed.”

You never know about people’s circumstances.

Yo bro, it’s Top Gear, we had to give it a shot and what they gave us was pretty underwhelming. Thanks for the snark though.

When the credits rolled, because then I knew I didn't have to watch any more of this disaster of a show.

Another dream crushed by reality.

Yes. Full stop.

solid write-up, only quibbles. some pics show gloves, some don’t. this is a job that won’t rip nitrile usually and is also excessively dirty so where gloves for the duration.

Those who saw Evans expose himself said that it was no big deal.

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

Our long national nightmare is over.

Only appropriate that on 4th of July the American once again conquers the Brit.

Crexit? Crexit.

The front:

Just some advice.