There’s nothing wrong with black glasses. The problem is that those particular glasses look absolutely fucking ridiculous on his weird face.
There’s nothing wrong with black glasses. The problem is that those particular glasses look absolutely fucking ridiculous on his weird face.
Christina Hendricks?
*Takes off glasses*
Anyone wearing black rimmed glasses after 2013 is an idiot.
Hey Chris, when EVERYBODY else is the problem, you are the problem.
This is true! I think it was that I was raised in the Central Valley — it might not have been correct, but I always said ‘up in the Sierras’ growing up, and I think everyone I grew up with did the same.
So tell me again how putting a turd of a V6 into a all steel car, that has the aerodynamics of a cow barn and is probably as heavy, make it into a sleeper.
“It’s also a BMW, so people will assume it’s broken down.”
e39 owner here. They would assume correctly.
Nice. Alternatively:
A little off topic, but is it me or do flame graphics never increase the appeal of a car?
The disabled tag in the window is everything.
Jesus’s a goddam dragster...line it up straight before you mash the throttle....
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You’re bloggers, man. Live somewhere cheaper.
Fighting on the shoulder of the BQE while wearing a jogging suit has to be the most New York thing ever.
I can only assume afterwards both the assailants went their separate ways, had terrible pizza for lunch, dropped off their $2500 rent checks, and were then murdered for their gold chains.