

$50k car with a $34k repair bill? My insurance would consider that totaled. LOL

I thought it was a trailer for FF10.

And get yourself a V12 while you’re at it..

Back when I had my 190e I considered doing a M111 swap.  Nice build!

A lifelong GM customer, Kostura is upset

Hmm I’ll go with “none of the above”.

I’m probably one of the biggest fans of the W201 but even I would run away from this nightmare.

They asked Amazon to chip in to help the homeless in that city and that company IMMEDIATELY threw a shit-fit that would have made Richard Sherman blush.

Who wants to overpay for a Subaru?  Maybe if it was rock solid like a Toyota or Honda but I don’t see why people would still buy one at a higher price.

FCA wants to be the only group bringing shitty cars to the US.

The question is why?

The lift is the only redeeming value here.

The wheels are the only attractive part of the car.

I’m having a hard time pinpointing exactly what it is about the Milnes-Daimler Omnibus that makes me so uncomfortable.

Absolute CP. You couldn’t pay me to own another one of these POS subaru’s.

Looks like a lot of fleet vehicles.

I had the same deal. Had to tell about 3-4 people to f*ck off before deciding to keep the car.  Luckily for me it was an old Benz and it ended up appreciating in value for the next 5 years and I sold it for double than what I had been asking before.

The only choice.

Some folk’ll never eat a skunk...then again some folk’ll....