Old Deluder Seitan

She also dragged out the “he’s my friend” and “question the source”, despite the fact questioning the source(s) is an idiotic statement because he admitted he did what everyone said he did.

She’s really using the “He has daughters!” excuse? And tossing in “I’ve known him forever!” and “You weren’t there!”

Like sure, but this is a gossip blog. I’d expect that angle to show up on Splinter, not here.

What does anyone expect her to actually do that hasn’t already been done ? Sue him ? Murder every enabler before challenging her father to a duel ? This is real life, not Kill Bill.

Seriously, leave her the fuck alone. She isn’t responsible for his actions. She doesn’t owe anyone a damn thing due to the accident of who she was born to. 

I shouldn’t know this, but they call it “yachting”.

Of course Trump hates Bezos.

I wish there was a condition that stopped me from being able to read men’s comments on mainstream news websites. 

Pro Tip: You don’t actually HAVE to be suffering from low-frequency hearing loss in order to not hear men’s voices. Just ignore them. When they wave their arms frantically at you, just say “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you! I have low-frequency hearing loss.”

It will be his base that is most upset about this - who more than the working poor depend on tax returns to survive? As a member of the working poor, I can tell you I do. Not only is it a buoy after the holidays, but it helps make the rest of the year easier to handle.  It is a cushion that I depend on.  

Yeah, the only interesting bit of this is to see, assuming Miller wrote the speech, if Trump cans him within a week or two.

“Your tax returns are going to be delayed, aaaannnndd here’s Trump’s tax returns proving he has stolen hundreds of millions of dollars from federal coffers...” will make for such a fun tax season.

We’ve seen this script before.

Won’t happen. Here’s what will happen:

What does R Kelly have on some of these music executives? Why the fuck is he still on RCA? Did he share those girls? Was the label providing them to him? We already know they enabled this motherfucker...

All of the props to Wende for being so open about her decision-making.

I’ve seen some essential oil saleswomen actually ingest them and use them in cooking in place of the actual ingredients (ie lemon oil instead of lemon). I’m not sure if I want to eat at potlucks anymore.

My resolution for 2019 is to become recognized and certified as a roller derby referee by WFTDA (Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, governing body of the sport). The recognition will be pretty easy - some self-led modules on the website, then a test. Getting certified involves getting evaluations from other

After Addidon Pusha T, claimed he had way more on drake and was prepared to release way more shit, I now wonder if he was about to leverage accusations about drake and underage girls. And that was the real reason J Prince stepped in cause he knew that would lead to legal issues, and declining sales, which would mean

Yeah and he dated a teenage model pretty recently (this summer? two years ago? who knows anymore) so I’d classify this as “it’s shocking but I’m not shocked.”