Old Deluder Seitan

Could you maybe give a little more info about that grain free pet food warning? From what I read the FDA issued a warning back in July that a grain free diets may be correlated with dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs, and then there were a bunch of arguments going on about whether the warning was premature/overblown. Any

Could you maybe give a little more info about that grain free pet food warning? From what I read the FDA issued a

I babysit for a family that lives near Peter Dinklage and I used to see him out running errands pretty frequently. Each time I saw him went something like this: I’d give him a look like “Hey, are you Peter Dinklage?” and he’d give me a look like “Please fuck off and don’t talk to me, I’m just trying to walk my dog.” An

Also beer doesn’t usually have ice in it when you throw it at strangers who tell you and your douchbro friends to stop staring at them... 

How have they not fixed this yet? 

😊 🌼🌷🌻💮💐🌹🌸🏵️🌾🌺

Thank you! I may have had to call my own momma first to confirm my red flags and practice my talking points, so I can’t take credit alone!

Thanks! I'm so relieved that she was receptive! 

I had to have a hard conversation with a mom I babysit about the bad creepy vibes I’ve been getting about her good friend’s husband (who is also the dad of her kid’s best friend.) I had been really nervous beforehand but it ended up going really well (as well as one of those talks can go, it would be better to not

It reminds me of one of those pictures where they photoshop someone’s face to be perfectly symmetrical but it comes out looking weird and off-putting.

Edit- They cover 24 square inches, not feet

Edit- They cover 24 square inches, not feet

For real, I also went through all the comments wondering if someone else thought it was a typo or if it’s just a joke going completely over my head.

No advice, just commiseration. I’ve been on a succulent binge, which started because they’re supposed to be so easy to care for. But the only ones I haven’t killed are in a terrarium, which they’re not even supposed to like. I’ve also been trying to propagate them from various leaves a friend lets me steal, and every

I do too! I grew up in New England as the skinny kid who was always cold so I usually double layered tights under pants for extra warmth all winter. Now I’m one of those old ladies that wears nylons under dress slacks and I love them.

Something crazy to consider - not everyone hates nylons. Some people even like to wear them. Tights and nylons are very normal for dancers and other performers. I never took a dance class where tights weren’t part of the recital outfits. Bey is wearing what she is wearing because that’s how she preferred to present

Hey there! I’m a doctoral student and this has been a defining feature of my grad school experience this time around. You’re not alone at all.

Yes! The nineties were the heyday for floppy dude hair imo. It’s like front cowlicks were suddenly cool. Will Friedel from Boy Meets World had epic flops back in the day:

I just wanted to express my appreciation for Original Harvey’s button up sweater vest over the sweatshirt combo in that promo pic.

Oh Muellerbueller. Since you keep dismissing my replies in the other thread and would rather lurk in the grays over here, I’ll leave this here for ya instead.