Old Bentony

Panton told Jezebel in an emailed statement. “Ted and I had many mutual friends who would usually stop by to watch movies, play video games, or even engage in long, fun discussions about politics, philosophy, and life.”

And to think that this is merely the first of two interviews the Cowboys require before signing a player.

Anchor Julie Stewart-Binks suggested he should dance for her.

Marty won - it’s time to move on.

I’m kind of ashamed of myself for giving you the attention you’re clearly desperate whining for, but don’t define yourself by yelling at others what you don’t like.

It’s a square, what difference would a sideways insertion make?

His head is not level with it. That’s a trick of perspective. He can’t dunk.

True, good point, but have you considered that no, he can’t.

Sounds like a time to return to the old Toyota logo.

Granted, a million bucks is nothing for the NFL. But they are having trouble figuring out which municipality they should strong arm into paying it.

At Motel 6...we’ll leave the red light on for you.

The Extraordinary Occurences Chart! Love that book.

“Five People You Meet in Florida”?

I’d feel a lot better if Mitch Albom wasn’t a “best-selling author.” But goddam, people willing read his treacle shitpies so...

I expect we’ll hear an apology from him tomorrow. It’ll be Tuesdays with sorry.

I understand that Carey’s relatively new at this, but I think CBS has to consider pulling the plug. The games just aren’t as much fun with him and his lame-ass commentary taking away from what has been a traditionally exciting product. I know options are limited in terms of a replacement, but I’m sure Bob Barker can

Jean Paul Sartre: “Hell is Other People”

...put the federal government in charge ...

Would Ride Along be the new version of this?