Disney is dumping the Boy Scouts.
Steve McQueen jumping in the air like a little kid made my heart grow three sizes. How can you be steely, bullshit-averse and adorable? That's what I want to know.
It wasn't too late on the West Coast!
Every single thing that went wrong tonight was because of Travolta's absurd and hideous toupee.
But using the "penny test" to check the tread on your lady friend's vagina ... that still works, right?
Why Mark? We didn't need to know about this, no one does....
He works at a restaurant but swears he hasn't fucked any of the food there. I don't know how I feel about that.
No thanks.
I guess this brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "dick cheese," huh?
... I'll show myself out.
Maybe with enough retweets or dogedollars or whatever, we can get this guy to get a vasectomy.
Oh shit, this might actually fly. I dunno, half of me wants the Google/SF feud to come to a peaceful solution, the other half of me wants to burn the outspoken Google dick heads. I haven't decided yet on how I'm going to fall. In this conflict, I probably represent the most despicable group, the first wave white…
I don't know if I should be scared or excited. Or both.
Either way:
Oh noez! Teh MRAs are coming to get you, Lindy!
Paid to escort, not to take blatant disrespect and racist bullshit.