You mean like this federally funded free vaccination program for uninsured children?
You mean like this federally funded free vaccination program for uninsured children?
A good deal of the people not getting vaccinated are affluent dumbasses who don't want to risk their shitty precious special snowflake offspring with things they don't understand.
Kanye criticism DOES have a tendency to get racist and condescending because white people.
Also, every time Kanye talks about racism people make a point of calling it a "rant".
Calling someone "crazy" all the time is quickest way to invalidate all their concerns.
Who wears Victoria's Secret underpants to a marathon?
Inquiring kittehs would like to know.
I have yet to see her say anything intelligent or insightful about the entertainment industry. She comes off to me as extraordinarily immature and unable to see things from someone else's point of view.
Yup. If you look at the song and the video she's sending a message. Like she ain't for the frontin dudes who lie and present themselves like they the shit. I think she's trying to present herself/women like they're on top and above most dudes who are really mediocre in reality.
Tbh, this article was just lazy and disjointed. The points had no real connection, even if they were based on real criticisms.
EXACTLY. I in no way endorse of approve of that rape line. It stuck out to me when I first listened to it to and I didn't like it at all.
The article is so damn pointless and lacks the nuance needed to approach the song. We can talk about the fuckedupness of the rape line, but to only focus on it misses the point. But, ya know... Jezebel and their need to be mediocre.
Wait, so Jezebel can shill a $80 canvas toiletry bag or a $125 necklace made from red string and 0.00001 ounces of silver, but this is scammy?
An oven doesn't get even remotely hot enough to soften metal, especially if it's insulated in wax. You'd just need to get the candle warm and soft enough to dig in with a butter knife and fish it out!
A few years ago I was on a flight from Chicago back home. I sat on the aisle of a 3 seat row and next to me were two women in their 70s. You could tell they'd known each other forever and were the kind of women I think of as Broads. Ballsy ladies that had madcap adventures in old movies.