
They were deleting diesel particulate filters and egrs, and DOCs.

I was surprised it got renewed for a third season today because I had assumed it was already renewed. I think it a a great show, I wish it wouldn’t end after the third season, even if they planned it that way... I mean only 3 seasons? The cast chemistry is amazing, especially for it being comprised half of children.

Cool... so they have a screenshot of some random authenticator codes but no username or password or any way to control which codes they screenshot. Forgive me if I’m willing to wait for google to update the app in a few days with a fix.

As a member of the public, I would be happy if it were just peer reviewed. Most of us don’t have the specialized knowledge to make useful conclusions from data sets, so it doesn’t actually matter whether that’s available or not.

Wow, in the US that kind of business savvy gets you the Oval Office.

only the dumbest fuckers on the planet would make a big deal out of that.

It’s nice to see that they’re working on something that’s not a reboot or sequel but I’m going to out myself as a hypocrite and rhetorically ask, where’s a new Cloverfield?!?
I did enjoy Overlord quite a bit and I tend to like most original Bad Robot productions, so count me as excited.

When I run for President one of my campaign promises will be: Yeah, we do some shady email stuff on private servers but we had this really strict encryption policy. We handed over the ALL of the requested email data... unfortunately no one can read it. Turns out a few months back goddamn Tyler the Intern accidentally

You should set every Cadbury Egg on fire because they’re garbage.

See, many of these comedians have said things that humorless cancel culture types find offensive, and the only answer is to CANCEL them and ruin their careers. Mostly, it hasn’t worked(fortunately), and that’s what she’s referring to(bitterly, I might add).

Maybe they can put that technology to use updating their thermostat to stay connected to my wifi for longer than 5 hours at a time.


OK? One wonders, if you are not a scientist, or part of the “mainstream” (legitimate) media, why would you be monetizing a video regarding the Coronavirus? Just to cash in, I’d imagine. Videos by random people babbling about a public health crisis is in no way helpful.

Exec #1: I got the rights to this amazing Japanese series that is exploding in popularity right now. We got to make a film while its hot!
Executive #2: Awesome! What is it? Persona? Its got to be Persona right? That would make a great film.
Executive #1: Actually its from Cap...com... I think.
Executive #2: Oh you got Dev

the latter of great import to get right on Indy 5, considering the horror that is Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Do these zombies never rot? Seriously, how many muscle shattering winters and flesh rotting summers does a zombie need to go through before it’s no longer a viable threat but rather a puddle of ooze? I’m over this franchise until they successfully address that.

Fact 1: Twitch has rules against nudity on their service.

Now playing

HOW THE HELL did Alpha lured these people out of the Kingdom???